Saturday, September 10, 2016




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Idon't know who they are talking about but I have a feeling it might have something to do with finding a new market manager because we all know that is a done deal and who it is going to be everyone in town knows there are secret meeting going on with some council members.I Hope I am wrong prove me wrong.Hire person for the job not your friend.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how fitting this is for our town at this moment. The plotters in the Borough and the plotters in the School District. Which is the worst? The DooDoo and the school get my vote because they now caught and the 4+ years of plotting will end as the resume attests. Then too , there is the issue of Mr. Hollister. We do know who you are and it will be stopped. Columbia people are not stupid ,but must now be vocal.

Anonymous said...

Give some suttle clues here there's alot going on with the market, school board DOO job, attacks in the classrooms, borough council, open positions for school board. My the list is long. If you want us to be vocal this is the week to do so. Both boards meet.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hollister was quoted as saying that he is the most transparent superintendent in the county and that he has an affinity for Columbia. Maybe he could publish, at our expense of course, this entire agreement ,along with the dates that each plot was hatched and who was in the room and how first contact with Elanco was made by someone here who thinks he is so special.

Anonymous said...

What is the connection between Mr. Hollister and Strickler???

Anonymous said...

Just read on this site that a banker suggested that background checks may be incomplete. An interesting thought that lead to a search on civil suits. Interesting results!!!!

Anonymous said...

Get ready for the council meeting tomorrow nite when they are supposed to pick the new person to run the market house we all know who it will because a few council members have already decided that with there secret meeting time for for people to speak up and stop all these secret meeting and you council members who are doing this know who you are how do you sleep at night what you are doing is not good for Columbia