Tuesday, September 6, 2016

ELANCO slashed jobs - Will it happen here?

Following are excerpts from ELANCO School Board meeting minutes during the 2011-2012 decision to furlough teachers and outsource janitorial services.

Residents questioned the board. A resident questioned compassion in the way teachers were told that they would be losing their jobs. Residents questioned clearances for outsourced workers and who evaluates them.


Sharon said...

Dr. Hollister said that 15 teachers were furloughed and "most" were hired back. When asked if he anticipates that happening here in Columbia, he replied, I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

Yes four years ago and I think as he explained most if not all have been hired back. Can't happen here because it is already bare bones.

Anonymous said...

Great research. Time will tell.if this happens in Columbia. I am sure Strickler has the situation under control. That is scary with him has director of operations.

Sharon said...

Let's find out what the number is for "most." Outsourcing janitorial staff was also done by the looks of the minutes and Dr. Hollister did say that they will be looking at those types of services. I'm sure if you are not a janitor in the district you are not worried. If it can't happen here then that should have been his answer. His answer was, I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

There is a link on ELANCO's website for archived minutes, but when I attempted to retrieve them they were not there. I had to request them and was told it was a glitch when they made changes a while back. They did provide the minutes as you can see, but it did take a bit of digging to uncover them.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, please we needed you not Stricnine