Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Takeaways from Monday's Council Meeting

From Monday's Columbia Borough Council Meeting (Septmber 12, 2016):


The operations manager of Venues was present at the council meeting.

Mayor Lutz said the problem with this type of venue is there are "no rules and regulations."

It's a legislative issue and the borough may expand the three-strike ordinance to include commercial. Three legitimate complaints results in eviction.

He's had conversations with Sen. Aument, Rep. Hickernell, and the LCB.

A possible entertainment license could be enacted in which a nominal fee is paid for the license, and the business would have to meet specifications.

Some businesses in Columbia have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested and have to compete with rentals that have no liquor license (BYOB).

High school assault

Lutz touched briefly on the incident at the high school and mentioned the "junk sites" where people comment anonymously. He said he gives no credence to comments with no names. He said School Resource Officer Troy Engle can't be everywhere at once but responded to the incident quickly.

Market house advisory committee begins formation.

Interviews for Market House Advisory Committee:

Councilwoman Pam Williams made a motion (which was approved) changing part of the advertised configuration of the committee from two business owners and one borough resident to: one business owner and two borough residents.

Council interviewed four people to fill representative positions of businessperson, standholder, and residents.

Ron Worby

Ron Worby of Susquehanna Blue Smoke was appointed "standholder representative" to the Market House Advisory Committee effective immediately, ending December 31, 2017.

Diana Thomas

Diana Thomas was appointed "business representative" on the Market House Advisory Committee.

Jennifer Davis was nominated by Pam Williams, and after an awkward moment of silence, a "second" was made by Cle Berntheizel. The vote was four to three, and a roll call vote was taken: Weisser, Novak, Williams and Welsh - nay; Berntheizel, FitzGerald and Murphy - yea.

Kellan Kernisky

Kellan Kernisky, a former Market House Trust member (who has grant writing experience) was nominated by Pam Williams as "resident representative" on the Market House Advisory Committee, and before the sentence was complete, the motion was seconded by councilwoman Sherry Welsh. Kernisky is not a borough resident.

After the vote, Council President Kelly Murphy reported that one resident seat remains vacant. 



Anonymous said...

Poor CLE,,, Murphy go have coffee.
How does a resident win this position?

Anonymous said...

gotta give the Venue's owner credit for his transparency - seems like he want's to work with the community rather then against it

Anonymous said...

Who is the land lord that owns the building of Venues!

Anonymous said...

So a non-resident gets the residential? How does that work?

Anonymous said...

He identified himself as operations manager. Yes, it appeared like he was trying to talk to people at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

What business does Thomas have and how does Kernisky qualify? Why does Columbia need Denlinger? They have Boro manager, CEDC and CDDC otherwise known as Create Columbia? More wasted taxpayer money. Why do didn't Davis make it, not part of the coffee clan and who is Reid.

Anonymous said...

Time for the mayor to step down. Yes Leo i know you are reading this on this so called junk website. Your blindness to the concerns of the citizens sickens me. Keep listening to only those who you feel are worthy. Please Leo hang it up. Columbia deserves better...oh thats right its not about columbia, its about your ego.

Anonymous said...

They need to be put out of town we don't need that kind of thing in town we are always being put down and this sure does not make the town look good

Anonymous said...

It's starting to add up $$$

Unknown said...

yes that a first we have ever seen anyone stand up for a Venue. I think there should be an on site interview of this establishment so the people in town can really know what Venues is all about??

Unknown said...

I think we should have an onsite interview of this Venues to see what it's all about

Anonymous said...

Good idea.

Anonymous said...

I heard that it's a man named Doolittle, but I'm not certain.

Anonymous said...

Kellan Kernisky lives in West Hempfield so how can she be a resident representative? Oh that's right this is Columbia. Just do whatever the hell you want.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....right in the article it says Cle seconded the motion, voted yes and Murphy voted yes for Davis.

Anonymous said...

Davis would have been a good fit. A resident, good ideas, and a big supporter of market and the town.
As for Denlinger. She as to get things moving since the others (Boro) can't get the things that was in the 2015 presentation going like getting downtown revitalized and making the market a anchor stop. But hey they did get the Crossings going. Kudos on that but boo on the rest of the tasks that should have been addressed. You fail Borough of Columbia leaders.

Anonymous said...

Who is "they?" At least be specific.