Sunday, September 25, 2016

3 meetings in store for Monday, Sept. 26

5 p.m. A Special Meeting of the Columbia Borough Council will be held for candidate interviews for Market House Manager.

6 p.m. Special Borough Council Meeting / Joint Meeting of Columbia Borough Council and Columbia Borough School Board regarding the Land Bank.

7 p.m. Meeting of the Finance Committee.

The meetings will be held at Borough Hall, 308 Locust Street.


Anonymous said...

Should not be that many meetings in one night how are you really going to have time to pick a new market manager in that short of a time? What if people have questions to ask they should be a able to and not feel that they are being rushed maybe you should have thought about that when you scheduled three meeting on the same night.

Anonymous said...

They do not need much time. This is all being done for show.

Anonymous said...

I agree the coffee club has already picked the new manager and they are all doing it for show way to go at least four council members to bad some of you can't think for yourself and pick the best person and not your friend past market house manger all of you should be put off the council. You and your coffee club meetings you are breaking the sun shine law hope know one turns you in we all know who you are.

Anonymous said...

Oh please get a life get a grip and alllll government does what it wants to do wether you are st the meetings or not wether it's a packed room or one person.get real on the Columbia pride stuff .Columbia is no different than any other town.

Anonymous said...

That's why they get away with all that they do. No one is watching them and attitudes like this foster all that is wrong in government from local on up. You are telling everyone that they cannot make a difference. You are wrong, I have seen what happens when people rise up together. Your cynical attitude is contagious so I hope you do remain at home.

Anonymous said...

So you just sit back and keep handing over your tax money to let those in charge (of it) do whatever they please. Not a very wise choice.

Anonymous said...

I keep seeing the "coffee club" members mentioned, but I never know who is being referenced. What does that mean?