Saturday, September 10, 2016

School safety line repainting not in the budget

The lines have faded. At the top of the quarter-mile long hill to Columbia Jr/Sr High School, painted lines and arrows designating pedestrian crossings and traffic flow are now barely visible. Fran Resch, former crossing guard and former school board member, made three requests to school officials to have the lines repainted - once at the beginning of the last school year, and twice at recent school board meetings (including Thursday night's committee of the whole meeting). He is concerned about the safety of students who need to cross the road several times a day when vehicles are traveling up the hill. So far, his requests have been ignored. According to Resch, he was told that line painting couldn't be worked into the budget.

Recent photos of safety lines and arrows at the high school:


Anonymous said...

Really, ignoring children's safety ! We can afford a $94,000 doodoo, but not paint for safety lines. This gets more bizzare by the minute. End this agreement now . Get Elanco out of here along with their new baggage.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a shame? We spend $94,000 on a made up position to make Strickler happy and the school board has no money in the budget to paint lines. Maybe Strickler can donate some of his check for paint.

Anonymous said...

To school board members...when you took your oath and were sworn in, you did not swear to support one person for his dream job, you took an oath to responsibly carry out your duties for the students. Show some real Columbia courage and stand up for what is right. Do not allow yourself to be used by one person for their own enrichment. It is wrong. unethical , and illegal.

Sharon said...

I was flabbergasted to hear Fran say this for a second time! A month has passed since he brought this up and nothing was done. Here is a man that was in the trenches, not sitting in an office somewhere and he knows what is needed and NO ONE WAS LISTENING!

Joe Lintner said...

Who's minding the store?

Anonymous said...

Very true!!Strickler CAN NEVER EVER BE CONSIDERED FOR SUPERINTENDENT !!There are many,many reasons why this is true and these reasons are clear and factual.

Anonymous said...

Seems that the doo-man was placed in charge of that helps answer your question. Could it be that the doo's incompetence is showing. Perhaps he is too busy sticking his nose into the schools too often or that maintenance is below his unduly high opinion of himself.

Anonymous said...

He may be working towards certification so that when Hollister ends his contract the next superintendent can slide right in. A grooming process.

Anonymous said...

What would happen if an accident happens and it is cause by neglect due to the lines. If the board was notified about the lines and nothing done, a good attorney would have a field day. Take some of Strickler's paycheck and buy paint. He is in charge of maintenance as director of operations.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tom,you can be replaced by a qualified person because you are not. Pay attention to what needs repaired, besides your ego.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I picked a great time to visit my hometown from my new home in California. What I see and hear is distressing. Mr. Strickler , who I have known for years ,should, IN NO WAY, have been chosen for the Director's job. There is much to say about why, but will save that for later, since I do know a few responsible people in Pa. state government. Also,always thought that Mr. Hollister was known as a decent person and am not sure what has happened to him. It appears that there is serious fraud going on here and appears also to be criminal intent in hiding things from public view. The good people of Columbia, for their own protection, need to engage in active protest, toward this disgusting situation.

InTheKnow said...

Perhaps this could be a good project for students who need service hours.......with a little paint that couldn't possibly cost that much and a little supervision this job could get done very quickly and at very little operations 101......think outside of the box!