Sunday, September 18, 2016

Finally! The grinch revealed!

                         Seen at Tacos to Go

         The grinch is really . . . Donald Trump!

                     Didn't you just know it?


Anonymous said...

There is more than one Grinch in town.

Anonymous said...

That is for sure the council people who have the coffee club and there secret meeting about who is going to be the next market manager we all know it is a done deal prove me wrong think for your self there some of you that don't

Anonymous said...

Won't touch that cause you are right. It's been in the works even before there was the announcement of the managing entity giving up on market and turning it back over to the Borough. It was whispered into the air with a aroma of coffee in the background. Too much Buddy - Buddy works going on. :)

Anonymous said...

Stealing from a broke system and from those that need.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion about who they feel is the best person to run the country. No one, and I repeat NO ONE, has any right to push their own beliefs on anyone. Why would anyone not buy taco's because they don't like Trump?? It's their freedom of choice who they vote for, believe in, have as friends or anything else that could be or is considered a personal choice. In my opinion the fact that you would even suggest something like that when they are just making their opinions known and try to infer that it would make a difference in their sales just goes to show why certain people in this town are perceived as ignorant and/or low class. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. It would be a nice change.

Anonymous said...

To many secret meeting going on with a few council members not all of them but we all know who they are picking the next market manger and Hope you all know that you are breaking the sun shine law hope know one turns you in for breaking the law.

Anonymous said...

Just saw tonight it's now Hillary Clinton. All candidates get equal airtime!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who the candidates will be?

Anonymous said...

what secret meetings is everyone referring to? Why don't you just state the 5 W's? Where, who, why, when what?

Anonymous said...

Get a life and learn to proof before you submit!

Anonymous said...

I did not submit the comments about secret meetings, but I believe it to be true. I pity anyone wasting their time and effort in applying for council seats, when vacated, and for the market house manager position. That has all been decided, the interviews are just for "show" so they can say that it was fair.

Anonymous said...

Yes the market house manager position has already been decided and we all know that is true and we all do know the interviews are all for show you are so right pretty bad when we must have. your friend run the market house even they are not the best person

Anonymous said...

I have one question to ask maybe someone can give me a answer there is one person who wants to be the market house manager but that person was the manager before and they quit why do they want the job back I feel if you quit you should not get the job back.

Anonymous said...
