Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Police presence in park

Columbia Borough police officers visited Locust Street Park this afternoon to talk to teens (and check out benches?).


Anonymous said...

Looks like a friendly chat.

Joe Lintner said...

Community relations

Anonymous said...

To heck with the friendly chats and community relations. The people who pay for their meal ticket, i.e. taxpayers, are tired of the vandalism and general rudeness. We need the police go in and every night and not be so nice and I am sure they will move on.

Anonymous said...

ya know the police can NOT be all these kids baby sitters 24/7. IF the parents would parent. we wouldn't have so many issues with these puk kids!!! these kids in the pics are probably NOT the ones doing the graffiti, and destroying property! its awesome to see the officers talk to the kids but again....with ALL the rental properties in the Boro and the number of calls 24/7 its IMPOSSIBLE for the police to babysit. and they shouldnt have to. its NOT their jobs. find a way to fine all the underage kids parents for all the bs and heartache they cause!

Anonymous said...

Agreed, it does appear that the police handle them with kid gloves. Maybe they need to be handled like the girl on south Fourth Street last Saturday.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you no more chats. The Police are to easy on them and the few pictured are there all day into the evening. When the police leave the scene they all are still there. Baffles the heck out of me. it clear as day with the graffiti on the third picture. DUH

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with these pictures?? bicycles and scooters in the park. some of these kids bring their dogs too.

Anonymous said...

Its a park!! We cant play in the streets. We dont have a pool or a bowling alley!! We sit in the park a PUBLIC place! So if you dont like it you do something about it! Does it bother you? I NEVER see "grownups" in the park so pipe down :)

Anonymous said...

Who gives a ahit if they bring there dogs so what there kids gotta have fun

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and I am a adult. If there were places for all the kids they wouldn't have to be there all day. Either make a place for the kids to go enjoy themselves or shut the hell up about where they hang out. It is a public place.

Anonymous said...

Who cares its a park , deal with it

Anonymous said...

I don't really see a problem here. So the police are easy on them? It's not their job to babysit these kids. IMO it's a waste of time sending the police there constantly

Anonymous said...

Wow. People need to get a grip. News flash. Not all kids are bad. Here's an idea. Instead of taking away EVERYTHING for them to do, give them a place to hang out. I mean, did you grow up in Mayberry? Or did you just forget that you were a teenager too.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the park. Pave it and make it a parking lot for Park School. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Get real, no one cares if they "hang out". It's the deliberate destruction that we care about. You do realize that there are people that actually work for free to take care of that park. Has vandalism become an accepted form of " hanging out" ? I grew up in the rural area outside of Columbia and we did not have a swimming pool, skate park, or any other kind of park. No cell phones or video games. We got bored, but NEVER vandalized anything. We just knew better.

Anonymous said...

Since when does the borough owe these kids a place to hangout? That's what their homes and yards are for. Does local government have to educate AND entertain them???!!! Let them hang out at each others homes and bust everything up there.

Anonymous said...

Disregard for other people's property, including public property, is very troubling. It is not normal, so please stop pretending it is.

Anonymous said...

there are signs at the entrance of the park - absolutely NO DOGS allowed in the park.

Anonymous said...

Agreed! Some of those "kids" look above the age of 16 - go get a job. Hell if my parents let me loiter all day instead of work when I was their age. Must be nice!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, there was some sort of faux wood book shelf on the sidewalk in the park. A large piece of it was on top of a trash can. It had a "Free" sign taped to it. Now obviously it walked to the park on it's own. No one put it there deliberately. The cameras probably saw nothing. The broken item remained in the park all day.

Anonymous said...

Police need to go in there if crimes are being committed, such was the case with the graffiti and vandalism. There should be no problem if the kids are simply congregating in the park. My guess is there are a few bad eggs among those who gather who are making it bad for everyone.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you do something about it. I am sure most of the kids hanging out in the park are not causing the vandalism but I would have to guess some of you know who is doing it. If you have information, take it to the police and get those who make the rest look bad out!