Sunday, August 16, 2015

Before long, students in Columbia will be harmed by stalemate



Anonymous said...

What are schools need are.more teachers yes it sounds like more money but we have teachers leaving all the time who will soon be here to teach the kids? And they do not get new teachers to replace the old ones.Is that fair to the kids or the teachers when they have a lot more work and have more classes to teach.

Anonymous said...

Once again I say stop spending so much on administration & put the money in the classroom where the kids need it. The kids sure didn't need a Taj majal of an administration building or an all weather track or any of this other dumb stuff to get abetter education.

Anonymous said...

If this country would stop spending money to fight overseas, that money could be used right here at home to fund schools. Think about how much was put into other countries and what do we have to show for it? Keep our people and our money here for a while, straighten us out first, then worry about the world.

Anonymous said...

go to the school board mtgs and DEMAND they get rid of 75% of Administrative, Supervisory positions. Its ludacris. This is a POOR town we can not afford to pay HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for teachers. only other option....combine school districts. Boro create a tax for each and every renter in this Boro to pay their own way-a head tax if you wish. Doctors must stop signing every single disability request. Get up get dressed and go get a J O B. Welfare and food stamps and all free govt stuff is FOR EMERGENCIES. IT WAS NOT CREATED A S A WAY OF LIFE. TELL YOUR SENATORS. CONGRESSMEN. and most importantly, VOTE.