Sunday, August 23, 2015

3rd Annual Jazzy's Day held at Makle Park

The 3rd Annual Jazzy's Day, a celebration of the life of Jasmyn Smith, was held at Makle Park on Saturday.  The event featured a backpack giveaway, face painting, music, games, basketball, raffles - and new this year, a mechanical bull. The origin of Jazzy's Day and coverage of the first event can be found HERE. Go HERE for an article on Jasmyn's Buddy Bench.

Larry Phiel, Jazzy's grandfather

Lindy Phiel (right), Jazzy's mother

Kids took their chances on the mechanical bull, a new attraction this year.

 Others watched several simultaneous basketball events.

 A bounce house made an appearance.

 Contact info for the bull.

 Lots of balloons.

Meanwhile, at the face-painting table . . .

 Games . . .

 . . . a DJ . . .

 . . . a bounce house . . .

 . . . and balloons - lots of balloons - in Jazzy's favorite colors . . .

  . . . and basketball - lots of basketball!

 The bull was a bit feisty at times.

 Others slid down the slide.

And nearly everyone enjoyed refreshments.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to Jazzy's entire family for organizing this annual event and to all the volunteers. This is a very meaningful way to celebrate her life.

jody said...

Fantastic job to all involved. This is what Columbia is all about , always was always will be!
Great coverage Cole!

Joe Lintner said...

Yes, thanks to everyone for another great event this year.

Joe Lintner said...

Thanks Jody. I'm glad I could cover this event and bring it to those who couldn't attend, but all the credit goes to everyone involved in putting it together - and those who did attend.

Anonymous said...

this is so amazing! kudos to all the volunteers and to all the people who participated!!!!

Anonymous said...

Old fashioned morals and values!!!

Anonymous said...

awesome!!! i hope this grows and that even more families attend and bring friends and relatives. what a positive thing to do. To her family-you're all amazing!