Sunday, August 7, 2016

Tom Strickler named Director of Operations at Columbia Borough School District

Columbia Spy has just obtained the following page from from an August 8, 2016 ELANCO Personnel Report that names Tom Strickler as the Director of Operations at Columbia Borough School District, effective August 9, 2016.



Anonymous said...

We didn't save money eliminating the superintendents position. We just found a way to give that much money to an unqualified individual.

Anonymous said...

If that doesn't make Columbia citizens irate that Elanco School District can take this vote.This town has to be the most back door dealing, corrupted government on both Borough Council and School Board. "We know what is best for our citizens" is driving them into bankruptcy and foreclosure.
Tom Strickler is not qualified for this "bogus" position, and his corporate experience has flat-lined many businesses. How many homes have to be sold by our children to be flipped into Section Eight Housing.
Stop the bleeding!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How did you publish this letter on Aug 7 when the date on it is Aug 8 ?

Anonymous said...

Ask ELANCO how they did that, all we did was print what was publicly available.

Anonymous said...

What a joke! How many people,if any but Stickler applied. What is his probation period. This sounds like a done deal when he resigned. Looking at his past work history, he will probably be history in about a year to year and a half.

Anonymous said...

He should not have the job I think it.was all.fixed just to.give him.a. job we do not need that position did not save.any money in fact we are spending more money people in this town should be.very.angery

Anonymous said...

Several comments....first, this could be the start of a new trend for schools, possibly leading more school districts across the state or county moving in this direction. PA doesn't need 501 school districts. Hats off to Elanco and Columbia for at least trying something different. Second, Elanco gives Columbia an experienced administrator in Hollister, who isn't going to use Columbia as a stepping stone and the contract is only for a year. Third, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Fourth, Columbia is only paying for services, not an administrator, which means no benefits, which is a lot less money. Fifth, if you don't like what's going on in Columbia, no one says you have to stay here. Six, keep an eye on borough council as they are the ones spending your money unwisely.

Anonymous said...

you are saying it was fixed, nothing was more fixed than the recent appointments to borough council.

Anonymous said...

all the crying didn't work, boohoo, CONGRATS TOM

Anonymous said...

Nothing in your comments have anything to do with Tom Strickler. If you are going to appoint someone in a Director of Operations Director, this should be a posted position for all to apply.

Would a glass house be cheaper on my family in Columbia, if so sign me up!

Sounds like a possible school director coming out to calm our pains. Not happening!

Anonymous said...

What does this even mean?

Anonymous said...

Sure it was easy for Mr Stickler to get the job when no one else was able to apply for the job not very fair maybe there was someone else out there who could have done a better job but now we will never know not fair to the tax payers of this town

Anonymous said...

STOP telling people to leave if they don't like it. It's our damn tax money paying for shady deals. We have EVERY right to voice our opinion. I'll stop questioning, well actually MAYBE I'll stop questioning, when I no longer have to pay taxes. Until then, I will voice my opinion and question what's being done with my money and if you don't like it then YOU leave.

Anonymous said...

Yes, congrats on creating your own job, well done!

Anonymous said...

then how did a guy in Oxford tell me he saw the job posting online hmm,must have just been posted so far away that nobody would want it right? quit the complaining, columbia can't expand we are border locked the money for our kids must come from somewhere typical columbiacomplain n sit on the couch n do nothing just want their voices n nonsense opinions heard, if you can't afford it move somewhere u can, and I'm sure each and every one of u on here are perfect peaches espcially the ones on the school board whom have been kicked out of their own church, good day to you can't wait to read the replies

Anonymous said...

For creating this position, Stickler better save the taxpayers 3-4 times his salary in his first year. What exactly are the specs for this job he created. Never saw them, along with job posting. I guess the school board advertised it in the Central Penn Business Journal which no one gets.

Anonymous said...

Just think how many senior citizens have moved to retirement homes because of the taxes. Many of us moved to these places because of this. We paid our taxes faithfully and had to give up our freedom of home ownership.

Anonymous said...

I feel for the seniors and b those now on the brink of losing their homes.
Rest assure two council members made it to the Beer Tasting!
Now what about saving Columbia???
Cutting taxes,
Restructuring so income generating buildings pay their fair share!
And saving what's left of every historic piece of our town!!!

Anonymous said...

Council had nothing to do with these decisions.

Anonymous said...

School taxes, which are triple that of the borough taxes, are what is hurting this town.

Anonymous said...

Wow you are so wrong on so many different levels. Let's look at how the district is saving money. They are paying for a superintendent of record. Cost? No one knows, it could be 5k to 15k per year. Now you hire an unqualified individual to run your school at the love sum of 99k per year. Do the math it's the same except now you are saying a third party to over see your organization. The district would be better if the state took over. This is no better than a charter school taking over your school except Stickler was a weasel and took a position that he took part in the creation. Call the department of education because now ELANCO school board has more power than CBSB. Way to go Columbia. This is very dim witted. Nothing like having a bunch of morons and drinks run your school board. Cole will be Tom's rubber stamp of he is even at the meetings. The town will elect or appoint an 18 year old who has no understanding of public education. Administrators will leave because the boss has NO EDUCATION Experience. Oh yeah he can't evaluate anyone including his teachers and administrators because he doesn't hold a certificate. This is a mess. The guy above your either Tom his self or a dim witted fool. The borough some how screwed itself even more. Way to go to have no representation but still pay the same if not more. ELANCO is the only one benefiting due to them cutting their contributions to Hollister's contract. Guess what he was going to make 165k regardless. Now CBSD is paying for two people's salaries and benefits. The person above knows nothing of public education and if they think they do they may need a wake up call.

a strickler said...

i love all of the typical columbia people, talk trash behind an anonymous name. u know u can post comments on the columbia spy site with your name attatched, but noooo we wouldnt want to come out of the shadows and say these things. grow up.

Anonymous said...

Guess what he isn't going to save you a dime. Columbia needs a take over due to its own foolishing decisions. Tom I am glad you and your family are skeving on the board. This may be the dumbest thing I have ever seen and educational organization do. You hired a guy he gets a new job every 2 years. Now he is going to look like a successful educator who slimed his way to the top. Good luck Columbia you need it. You hired a Phoenex. The best thing he did was to sell the Agway to Ginger for the beer distributer in town. Tom will fail Columbia like he did for the last fifteen years as a board member and 32 years as a businessman.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't posted on PA educator or pa reap. It was an internal posting that was requested under sunshine law moron.

Anonymous said...

I am glad your Columbia education is serving you well. Maybe the districts focus should be on proper English. Try capitalizing and using proper punctuation next time. By the way you spell "u", you. Wouldnt is actually wouldn't, and noooo is no. Maybe they can find you a position with the district too.

a strickler said...

maybe I should then maybe u could understand what im saying and come out of the shadow u so strongly hide behind. until then I won't be bothered by ur jealousy. once again congrats dad.

Anonymous said...

What school did Stickley attend?

Anonymous said...

Consolidate the schools NOW. We can NOT afford to maintain. Poverty ridden. Land locked. Way too many rentals (still need to find a way to create an incentive to sell rentals and turn them back into single family owned homes! code dept MUST condemn ALL properties that are NOT up to code. no more mr nice guy. or the good ole boys club.

Anonymous said...

Why not broaden that to include anyone, why limit it to "internal" simply because that's the minimum requirement to meet Sunshine Law?
As always when there is no defense, resort to name calling. Thanks for once again validating that.

Anonymous said...

This worse then the Manheim Township fiasco!

Anonymous said...

Congrats? Really? For strong arming his way into a position the school board would not voluntarily consider him for. He is not qualified to do this job, just look at his resume and reputation. What a pathetic way of having to go about getting this job. It was obviously a quid pro quo with him and the superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Much ...

Anonymous said...

Where did they see it posted? The fact is it was his job the entire time. Inside jobs and backdoor deals happen all the time. As a tax payer it is frustrating that you are not getting the best person for the position. The district needs a leader with education experience. Someone who was and is a life long learner. This is not the right fit but rather a convenient fit for the district. Consolidation is the key to end this madness. Remember the individuals who are running your district have no obligation to your community since it is a position from another district. Just because the person lives in Columbia he doesn't have to listen to the community because he doesn't work for your community. He works for ELANCO. Not Columbia, so the district should really be careful and monitor the situation because you lost control of your own schools. No one is accountable to our community. It is simple, this is a take over, which would have been better if the state assigned a SRO to assess the situation and make recommendations. Thry are former superintendents. Remember to be a superintendent you are an officer of the state and the community as an elected official. This person is not. A little scary to think that those who will serve below him have more education and experience but he is running the district. Talent may not want to teach our children due to the uncertainty of this situation. Remember the district is also paying the form superintendent, ELANCO, and director of operations a stipend and/or a salary. How much are we really saving. Nothing because the cost will most likey exceed a the salary of a legitimate superintendent. I hope the board reconsiders this experiment because it's at the cost of students, tax payers, and teachers. I wish the new director well but he needs to do the job and be willing to take the heat if things don't go well. Question because it's your right, vote for a new school board because it's your right, support your students because it's all of our obligation. Change starts when we come together for the greater good of all. Come together and let's make some changes for our school!

Anonymous said...

There were a dozen people who applied and 5 people interviewed. Lets see how this plays out before we judge,

Anonymous said...

He is unqualified, plan and simple. Show us how he is qualified. He is not and that is very concerning. I will judge he isn't qualified. Once he teaches for 5 years, completes a principal program, is an administrator for several years, takes course work for a letter of eligibility, passes several praxis exams, he will always be unqualified. Don't tell me to wait and see how this plays out. It's a rotten thing to do. Please wake up Columbia, we all got screwed to a cheat, scammer, and a lier.

Anonymous said...

Tom Strickler is a fraud, plain and simple. The district will pay dearly and so will the students. No congrats for this situation. Take action and force change.

Brian Long said...

Even the blunderers at Manheim Township told its citizens who their finalists were. Hey, anonymous, who were the finalists? Where is the RFP with the scope of work? Why is everything "say-so" and trust me, rather than letting constituents see hard data. Where is the ethics in hiding this process? What message is the school board showing its children? C'mon - future generations deserve much better than this! If the American dream is dead - if the idea that hard work, truth, justice and the American way is a lie - tell people. Nope, we're not looking for the best candidate (the one with the credentials, the education and the requisite skill sets), but we're looking to reward "good ole boy-ism" - have the cojones to say so at the outset. Let's send this message to our kids: Never mind hard work, it's ain't what you know, it's who you _________ !

Anonymous said...

Yes this is a very apparent quid pro quo. But it doesn't stop here. Surely Tom was given the power to give Cole Knighton the Maintenance Managers job he now wants. The message I guess is, serving on the school board is a stepping stone to a paid job.

Anonymous said...

Yes we will.

Anonymous said...

Hey A Strickler where was your father? I guess he is out celebrating so he couldn't humble himself to attend the school board meeting.

Anonymous said...

How so?

Anonymous said...

Jealous not! Many administrators are thinking how can this happen? They spent years training for their qualified positions. Now you have many/some teachers thinking why should I pursue superintendency-ship when I have no chance against a non-teaching degree candidate!!!!

Also A Stricker...that retired "Strickler" jersey hanging in the show-case at the high school was due to your father, Tom Strickler, fighting high and low when there were other highly qualified students who didn't have a chance. Something you were not aware of. So talk about manipulation... and say that the Columbia residents are JEALOUS! It goes way back, years of it!!!

Anonymous said...

Well said Brian Long!
Mr. Knighton is no better than Strickler. Read the last line of Mr. LONGS STATEMENT. Yes Columbia is in a pickle.

Anonymous said...

Just the school board !!!!