Saturday, August 20, 2016

Sure looks like a duck


Anonymous said...

Just what we need in Columbia...A narcissistic duck!!!

Anonymous said...

One part of narcissistic behavior is that when a person with this behavior is caught, this person takes on the role of the victim . Several key, male persons , responsible for this school debacle appear to display various behaviors similar to narcissism.

Anonymous said...

We need a police report for the two vehicles drag racing on the 100 block of SOUTH SECOND STREET!
Then we need an investigation into it!!

Anonymous said...

Columbia is full Narcissism, just come to the GHETTO AND CHECK OUT THE MIA PARENTS.

Anonymous said...

The narcissistic psychopathic behavior also includes doing things to another and then stating that the person did it to them. They also are very child like in that they are so desperate for attention that they cause negative issues just so they get attention, even if it is not attention that has a positive outcome. And of course, everyone else is blamed for the negative outcome; "it is never his fault". It is very difficult for this person to hold a job, or friends, since they will all eventually "cause" one of the negative outcomes and he will blame them. Pitiful and miserable is usually the outcome without intense psychological intervention.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, that fits a few in the GHETTO to a T!!!
Are you an educator or narcissistic psychopath?