Sunday, August 7, 2016

Bluesman Big A rocks Kettle Works with wild and crazy performance

Hailing from Clarksdale, Mississippi, Anthony "Big A" Sherrod and the Cornlickers electrified the crowd with a rousing performance Saturday night on the second floor of Columbia Kettle Works.  Playing to a capacity audience, frontman Sherrod sang, played, danced, and worked the crowd, talking to guests as he wound his way through the gathering - all while riffing on his red Telecaster guitar. At times, listeners got up and "cut the rug" to rollicking blues rhythms from the Mississippi delta, as stellar showman Sherrod danced along with them. During an extended finale number, the band invited revelers onto the stage area to dance and mingle with musicians, until the room was completely infused with good vibes.

Create Columbia sponsored the concert, Union Station Grill provided food and drinks, and Bill Collister, owner of Columbia Kettle Works, allowed use of the second floor without charge.

Sherrod invited Columbia Spy to follow him with a camera as he worked the crowd, and so we did - as seen in the videos below!

Frontman Anthony "Big A" Sherrod creating good vibes

Dance lesson, then onto the floor and through the crowd

Belting out the blues

Bobby Gentilo on guitar

A birthday tribute to Christina Smith of Columbia Kettle Works

Birthday song

Havin' a party

Kettle Works owner Bill Collister and Big A


Anonymous said...

What a fun time it was!

Anonymous said...

looks like it was a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome.

Bob said...

Looks great!!!!
Without a local newspaper how does anyone know of these events??

Anonymous said...

Be glad you access the spy!
Leo thinks everyone can afford Internet access,