Sunday, November 1, 2015

Market House open Sundays in November


Anonymous said...

have you ever asked for a copy of the borough's financials as to how much the market is costing taxpayers. They have the right to know!

Loves the Lum said...

Hey you concerned about the financials of market and what it's costing tax payers. How's about getting out of that couch that's molded to butt, get down to Boro Hall, and fill out a request for a copy of the financials instead of someone doing it for you if your that concern about... That's a challenge for you dare to take on the task... I bet it won't be post by you... :( All hot air and want to stir up trouble just like the other who rather focus on a loney building instead of being concern with the town and mainly it's DOWNTOWN!

Anonymous said...

Go fill out your RTK and you will see that the Trust does not receive one penny of tax payers dollars to operate. This was one of the reasons the borough created a Trust, so the market could be self sustaining. All of the ridiculous expenses on the borough budget and you ask about a cost that doesn't even exist. Now I see why you are posting as anonymous. I should post my name because I speak facts, unlike you, but I'll just keep you in the dark as that's where you seem to be comfortable.