Monday, November 9, 2015

Council buys replacement police car

Columbia Borough Council approved the purchase of a 2015 Ford Police Interceptor for $25,251 to replace Unit #4 that was totaled in a collision last month. Insurance will pay $20,435, with the balance coming from the 2015 Columbia Borough Budget. The equipment from the original vehicle was not damaged and will be transferred.

Shown above is the police vehicle that was totaled in a collision on October 13 while an officer was responding to a call.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the meeting information. Residents need to "Keep up with Columbia".

Unknown said...

We need state police intervention...
What ever happened to a plain old joint,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Yes, we do need to keep on top of what's going on with our tax dollars. That being said, we as a town, should be glad that we have people like Cole Umber and Brian Long. They devote their time and energy to providing residents with an accurate report on the actions of our elected officials. Our responsibility as residents does not end at the voting machine. It is imperative that the actions and decisions made by our elected officials are closely monitored. Today, I was reminded of the importance of the media while watching the report out of Missouri. In particular, the woman attempting to stop a journalist from filming. She was a university employee and actually requested "muscle" to remove him. Shutting down the media is not only illegal, it is a huge mistake. When we no longer can see what's going on, it will only get worse.

Anonymous said...

People need to get involved more. Although this site does a great job keeping us informed of what's happening only when more people start taking action will we see change.

Joe Lintner said...

That's right.

Joe Lintner said...

Thanks. I do what I can but the fact is most people are too apathetic to attend meetings to find out what's going on. We get the government we deserve.
As for the woman at the University of Missouri, her name is Melissa Click. She's a faculty member who teaches courses in media but tried to prevent a photographer from taking pictures, although he was within his rights to do so. She's an example of how a highly educated academician can lack common sense and be out of touch with the real world. She probably doesn't even comprehend the irony of her actions.
I've experienced similar confrontations from lesser lights around town, who think they can dictate which photos can be taken and where.

Anonymous said...

My personal favorite line is "did you get permission to take that picture". That only shows how much they don't know.

Joe Lintner said...

Yes, I've heard that one several times.

Anonymous said...

How much money is it going to cost to transfer!!

Anonymous said...

She is prime example of a liberal progressive. Scream, demand, and yell, unless it goes against the liberal script. She should be forced to resign but I doubt anyone will be pushing that!

Anonymous said...

Since the Lanc News is so worthless now, it is good we have Cole covering Cola news. Thank you for your time & dedication Cole

Joe Lintner said...

Less than $1,000 according to the discussion at Monday night's meeting. The amount might be covered under insurance.

Joe Lintner said...

She needs to resign. She's apparently not fit to teach a course on media.

Unknown said...

Amen for the SPY