The ADA access to nowhere that we reported on previously HERE has recently become even more absurd. A small section of fence has been added to prevent pedestrians from exiting onto Norfolk Southern property and walking near the railroad tracks.
And yet, the rear egress opens to an area a few feet from the tracks. So what's the point of the fence?
The placement of this ADA makes no sense. Pedestrians crossing from the Eastern Drillers building to this ADA will either exit "out the back" onto Norfolk Southern property next to the tracks - or go forward and then right onto Front Street (into traffic), then make another right onto the crossing to Columbia River Park.
And what use is the pedestrian push button shown above?
Here's another view of the rear egress. (Part of the new fence can be seen on the right.)
Although this structure is probably compliant with regulations governing ADA at traffic lights, it doesn't adhere to common sense. In fact, unless some sort of modifications are made, it will remain downright absurd.
Not only absurd, but dangerous!
Not very well thought out
Perhaps a pedestrian crossing is coming in the future?
where is the rest of the sidewalk
At this point, I don't have any information on whether or not a sidewalk will be installed on that side of the road. It almost looks as if it would be too close to the tracks . . . unless there are plans to extend the chain link fence to create a barrier for pedestrians.
Perhaps it's time Norfolk is made to clean their act up all thru the boro...
Their Rail Lines are a mess,,,, or is it ,,,,,
I know it's a JUNGLE OUT THERE
Norfolk Southern SHOULD BE MANDATED to place a fence (like the ones you see on the turnpike to drown out sounds but more important to add SAFETY). THAT my friends SHOULD have been done BEFORE the Taj Mahal was built. AND it should be the whole length of the rr tracks from gordan waste to highway or old ww plant. I'd LOVE to see this on the next agenda for council.
chain link fence???? surely you jest. A SOLID BARRIER fence should be mandatory. The trains travel at a very unsafe high speed. and the noise is deafening.
Very unsafe high speed? Quite an accusation. What do you base that off of? Are you a track expert?
Noise is deafening? The horns are set to federal requirements.
Sure. Put a solid fence along the entire railroad. No public crossings or river access allowed anymore. Can't get safer than that. I'd LOVE to see that agenda for council.
But it's too much fun to rant on about it now...
Keep quiet about it and do not draw any attention to it, wait until someone uses it and gets injured, then rant. There is a proper time and place for ranting, its way too soon. Historically, ranting comes after tradgedy.
Regarding horn volume, the federal requirements have fluctuated, so they don't know either.
This confusing intersection is the hold up on opening the new road. Another problem is that Norfolk Southern is not a good neighbor. From what I have heard, they are the reason the trail has stalled.
It's all outlined in the code of federal regulations (49 CFR 229). So yeah, they know.
I would have to agree that they travel at very high speeds. Aren't they supposed to slow down when going through towns with railroad crossings? Seems to me they speed up and only use their horns sometimes!
Tracks have speed limits like roads. Just about all the time, the presence of road crossings has no influence on maximum authorized speeds.
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