Sunday, January 13, 2019

About Town 1/13/19

This week's photos from around Columbia
(Click/tap on photos for larger, clearer images.)

Our Lady of the Angels

 And who among us hasn't used a 4 x 4 to fix a utility pole? 



 All in a row

 Fire hose, all wrapped up and ready to go

 Thursday night at the Fourth Street Firehouse

 Ice forming at the river

 You know it's winter.


 They like decaying wood.

 Involved in several recent transactions

 Ghost sign, a little more pronounced than most

 Saint Peter's

 Two ground-level heads admiring the river

 The train's a-rollin' down the track.

 A rolling stone gathers no moss, but stationary bricks just might.

 Way up high

 Gittin' 'er done

 Columbia cleans up


 On the back railing

 Watching closely

 Quite a bargain

 Like the sign says

 Lead Work Area

 At 2nd & Walnut

 It's for rent.

 Flags in the bunting

 Open door policy

 Hearts - let's hope they don't get broken.

 Clock tower

 To whom it may concern

 Tiny house on Perry Street

 Pre-treating Heritage Drive on Saturday

 Good to have one of these around, just on the off-chance you might need it.

 More ice forming

Snow-capped lion

A few submitted photos:

 Old photo of the Columbia Water Company

 Columbia's other public boat ramp, with boats encroaching

Let's hope there are a few tall firemen.


Anonymous said...

As for the Knox boxes. I see that the 2 council members who have businesses & voted yes for the Knox boxes don't have them. Will they be fined or is it select enforcement?

Anonymous said...

OK all the money in the money pit , over 20 million so why is the union street ramp look like that? Why do some people get to store there private boats on borough property?

Anonymous said...

There must Not have been any specs to where and how high to install them, Council again just shook there heads yes to something they did not question the entirety before raming it down citizens throats. There are many missing in town .ANTHOR COUNCIL FART!

Anonymous said...

Withall the equipment the borough has it would only take a afternoon to widen that ramp to the street footage, look down from union street ,it would be twice as wide , and a nice ramp 2 blocks from the other one. The river park board should be all for this or there is something wrong with there thinking about the people using the river. A afternoon and a couple loads of stones is a far cry from what monies we dumped in the river park.

Anonymous said...

The coffee shop doesn"t have hand rails up the steps and should not be open till it does , other people have to follow the rules why not council members? And they should also pay there own taxes or be removed from there seat. NO MORE LAUGHTING STOCK , play by the rules.

Anonymous said...

The centric bank sign should read WITH COLUMBIA TAX PAYERS MONEY

Anonymous said...

The church needs 2 more letters is

Anonymous said...

Great job Cole and Sharon as always.

Ghwillard said...

And the least you pay is $350.

Anonymous said...

This is a no brainer give boaters a second (usable) ramp for when the church is there.

Anonymous said...

How can codes over look the hand rails to a business , this is a big deal for others , How did Helm give the license with out the rails, rental propertys need them to get there license. SLECTIVE ENFORCMENT AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Union street needs widened to the rivers edge , straight down to the water, it is borough property.

ColumbiaPa said...

Have dozer,will rampage.