Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Public encouraged to attend tonight's safety meeting which will include Columbia Crime Watch, borough officials, and police

Tonight's meeting of the borough's safety committee will include members of Columbia PA Crime Watch, borough officials, and police. Rick Fisher, founder of the Crime Watch group, will also give a presentation.

The meeting will start immediately after the 6 o'clock legislation committee meeting at Borough Hall, 308 Locust Street.

 The public is encouraged to attend.


Anonymous said...

how did it go ?

Anonymous said...

A great meeting. Very positive all the way around. Me. Fisher, council representatives, the police chief and his officers, the mayor, school district representative, and numerous audience members all shared news of ideas for our youth that are already in play, initiatives that are being started, and innovative ideas for intercooperation amongst all. Beats the hell out of the negative BS that you usually find here.

Anonymous said...

Don't down the town totally. It's not all negative here.

Anonymous said...

When the smoke they were blowing finally cleared, well actually it never did clear.

Anonymous said...

Two cases of arson and three significant assaults in the past three months.

1) Kids with gas cans set fire in the alley near Kettle Works. An employee witnessed it.

2) Fire last week was deliberately set in the South end of town.

3) Man severely beaten by multiple perpetrators on Walnut Street. One arrest to date.

4) Two males robbed and one assaulted in alley that runs behind Turkey Hill store.

5) Woman was stabbed in the hand during a fight on North Third Street.

All of these since September, yet the outrage is being silenced. Do not speak of crimes and they won't exist.

Anonymous said...

People wont call the police, people wont come to council meetings and speak up, people won't get involved in helping one another. People just want to complain.

Anonymous said...

why don't we hear about all this craziness. seems to me the mayor and chief LIKE to keep all these incidents quiet. instead they should be plastered everywhere, all the time. maybe then ppl would step up and get involved because they'll KNOW about all the shit going on. we really need NEW LEADERSHIP in the Police Dept. if you'd see the mayor perform, you'd SWEAR that he was the Police Chief.

Anonymous said...

every home in the boro should buy 1 LED lightbulb (less than $1 at walmart) in 40, 60, 75 or 100 watts and place the bulb in an outside light!!! whether on the porch side or rear of house or ALL. lights add a safety net and LED bulbs only costs PENNIES to operate A YEAR. Thank you and i wish you all a safe happy and Merry Christmas!!!!!