Sunday, July 19, 2015

Here's an interesting read: City Must Pay Blogger $200,000 For Illegally Banning Her From Filming

The City of Cumming, Georgia must pay out $200,000 in a settlement with citizen journalist Nydia Tisdale, who operates the website This comes after the blogger filed a federal lawsuit when the city illegally banned her from filming a Cumming City Council meeting.

“This settlement sends a powerful message that government officials cannot shroud their operations in secrecy by barring truth-telling video,” said Gerry Weber, lawyer for Tisdale, on “But more, the lawsuit has unveiled decades-old practices of an entrenched City government that has left its citizens in the dark. The Mayor’s actions were a blatant violation of citizens’ constitutional rights to record public meetings.”



Joe Lintner said...

"...the lawsuit has unveiled decades-old practices of an entrenched City government that has left its citizens in the dark."

Brian Long said...

Yeah, Cole ... stuff like this only happens in unenlightened, backwoods places; that could not happen around here where transparency is the watchword ... in the schools ... in local government!

Joe Lintner said...

Right - never in Columbia.