Sunday, February 16, 2014

What I Saw - February 16, 2014

 A casualty along Barber Street

 A uniquely designed snowman that's also . . . if not anatomically correct, at least anatomically explicit, thus the censored photo.  This is a family blog, after all.  There's a time and place for such expression.  But in one's backyard, facing the sidewalk where children play, isn't appropriate.

 We got a lot of snow recently.

Well, at least they cleared the snow off their car, even if they can't get out of their parking space.


Anonymous said...

that snowman is "modern art " - it wasn't on Second Street was it ?

Joe Lintner said...

It's on Mill Street near Second. I appreciate the creativity. I just don't think the sculpture is appropriate for all ages.

Anonymous said...

" Who put the ----- on the snowman
And embarrassed the family?
Could have used a ball bat, cucumber or a zucchini.
But instead you used a thimble, somethin' you could barely see!
Who put the ---- on the snowman, And made him look like me?! "