Sunday, February 16, 2014

What I Saw - February 14, 2014

When you're out shoveling your sidewalk, do a favor for the firemen (and maybe yourself) and dig out the fire hydrant in your neighborhood.

 As someone did here

 But not here

Or here

 Here's a work in progress

 As is this, because it sure isn't completed.

 As I said before, some do and some don't.

 The mailman had to push his cart up the highway - into oncoming traffic - because some sidewalks were not shoveled sufficiently (or at all).

That's one big pile of dirty snow.


Anonymous said...

so whats the story with ALL these unshoveled sidewalks???? the Boro has an ordinance requiring a 3 ft wide path within 8 hrs or by 10 am if overnight. its on the back of the sewer bill all the the codes dept issue citations like the ordinance requires?

Joe Lintner said...

During one of the earlier "snows" this month, I saw warnings posted on properties whose sidewalks weren't shoveled.