Sunday, February 16, 2014


I took a walk this afternoon, because the sun was shining, and I wanted to escape impending cabin fever. Also, because my back hurt from shoveling snow, and I thought a jaunt around town would alleviate aches and pains.  Along the way, I helped a woman with a walker get across an icy sidewalk that hadn't been properly cleared. Good deed done.

Later, on Locust Street, I was walking behind a young woman of about 20 and a boy I assumed to be her son, who appeared to be about five. The kid was lagging a bit, as kids do, but "Mom" wasn't pleased and told him, "I'm not gonna keep f**kin' stoppin' dude. You're gonna walk. You're gonna shut the hell up." She didn't say it angrily, just matter-of-factly, in a normal, conversational tone. I hadn't noticed the kid saying anything. I wondered how many times he must have heard similar language at home at his young age for some small infraction, real or perceived. And we wonder where kids get this stuff and why they grow up dysfunctional and disaffected.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing this out Cole. People need to hear what's going on. This is really sad. I'm sure the young mother has a lot on her shoulders too, but never is there an excuse to treat a child like that. It was very cold out that day and the little boy may have been tired and cold. If she felt comfortable talking to him like this in public, I shudder to think what may be going on behind closed doors.

Joe Lintner said...

Maybe she got the same treatment when she was a child.