Wednesday, January 23, 2013

NRA Eastern Sports Outdoor Show; Assault weapons modern sporting rifles | WPMT FOX43

NRA withdraws from show.  Good, keep withdrawing...back a little more...a little more...keep going...keep going....


Anonymous said...

sorry but it's the crazies who kill people...not the law abiding citizen with a gun for protection.

Joe Lintner said...

I'm all for citizens having the right to keep and bear arms. I just don't like the NRA.

Anonymous said...

oh. ok :)

Anonymous said...

I agree everyone has the right to owns guns, BUT the military should be the selected ones to use assault weapons

Anonymous said...

You may not like the NRA but at a time like this, it is good to have a large, well established organization who can stand up to the rash decisions currently being made by our government and others.

Anonymous said...

excellent point.

Anonymous said...

in case you are not paying attention-the gov't is taking away all your rights....slowly.

Joe Lintner said...

Yes, about these rights - the government has been taking them away in earnest since 2001. World War III came and went very quickly, and guess what - we lost. Bin Laden's victory over the US resulted in our government turning against us more so than it had ever done in the past. Now, it's even legal to oppress the citizenry. The legal framework is in place. The physical infrastructure is in place. Do you think we still have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people?
The Military Commissions Act and the National Defense Authorization Act, as well as other brazen perversions of justice and legality have shredded the Fourth Amendment. But how many people do you hear howling about that? They will, however, scream about the government taking their guns, as if it could, and as if a few yahoos with AR-15s could stand up against the United States military's superior training and weaponry. The yahoos would be taken out in about 15 seconds. True, the original intent of the Second Amendment was for the citizenry to be able to keep the government out of our faces, but the founders wanted us to maintain a well-regulated militia that's always at the ready, and where is that? I haven't seen any groups of people marching up and down Locust Street and drilling around town.
Also, if you strictly abide by the language of the Second Amendment, no one has a constitutional right to fire weapons. Sorry, but the Second Amendment says we have the right to KEEP and BEAR arms, but it doesn't say we may fire them. Those who think otherwise might be better served by citing the First Amendment and saying that shooting a gun is an expression of speech, and what tells someone you don't like them more than a bullet to the forehead? Now, that's a powerful message!
But again, the Second Amendment does give us the right to keep and bear arms. It also says that right shall not be infringed. Theoretically, then, that means we can have anything up to and including nuclear weapons. Therefore, I want a 20-megaton hydrogen bomb I can keep in my backyard, strictly as a deterrent. I want all my neighbors to have one, too. And if the feds try messing with us - BOOM! - there goes Columbia. That'll show' em who's boss!

Joe Lintner said...

From what I hear, there's more accountability in the military with regard to keeping track of guns and ammo, than there is among the civilian population.

Joe Lintner said...

My problem with the NRA is its leaders always have a knee-jerk reaction against any common sense proposals to curb gun violence. They constantly lobby Congress to have restrictions relaxed or removed. They are the propaganda arm of the gun industry.

Anonymous said...

well said. yes the gov't has been taking away our rights for years..problem is - most Americans do not have a clue.....and if you try to enlighten them - well, we know how that goes - we are the stupid idiots, we don't have a clue what we're talking about, etc. you get my on!

Anonymous said...

and I thank you for that!!!!