Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A reminder to our constables

I would like to remind our local constables of their duties and the limitations thereof.  This information is summarized HERE.

I would also like to remind our constables of the rights of photographers.  That information is summarized HERE.

I would also like to remind our constables that in their limited capacity as law enforcement officers, they have the duty to learn the law and do not have the right to harass citizens.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Lightner,

Are you specifically referring to our local constabulary or other persons who might have been in our banana town by the river last afternoon and evening? If so, there were several different varieties of "special police" from all over.

Joe Lintner said...

I'm referring to someone purporting to be a state constable.

Anonymous said...

Now we are a banana town, put a uniform on some one and they are 10' tall, abuse comes with a big head, We do have rights!

Joe Lintner said...

Exactly. There are those who want the authority but not the responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Just a reference to an earlier commentary- I believe another local information source, Mr. Long refers to our town as the "banana republic of PA." I have also seen "banana's from Columbia" in advertising for our local free paper.

Sometimes, especially lately, the practices and choices of our local government and those in the know seem like we live in the other Colombia....

Joe Lintner said...

Yes, interesting.