Friday, April 26, 2019

Residents meet Columbia's Candidates for Change at "Meet and Greet" event

Former Columbia Borough Council President Sandy Duncan (left) attended Thursday's "Meet and Greet," along with Robert Misciagna, and Tanya Minnick. Duncan is a candidate for School Board, Misciagna is a write-in candidate for School Board, and Minnick is a write-in candidate for Borough Council.

A few dozen residents attended the "Meet and Greet" for Candidates of Change over the space of three hours at the Columbia VFW on Thursday. Residents asked questions and discussed local issues with the following candidates:

Heather Zink
Eric Kauffman
James R. Settle II
Howard Stevens
Robert Misciagna
Sharon Lintner
Tanya Minnick

All are candidates for Borough Council, except Robert Misciagna, who is a candidate for School Board. Another "Meet and Greet" will be held in the future (date to be determined).


Anonymous said...

One would think a mayor would be all for change and be on site if he was for the betterment of the town. looks like he is not for the people but just for the same old few that just care about the money pit, change must start at the top and experience at management is a must, the group in charge now is not representing the whole town and has not been for years.

Anonymous said...

What makes you think the current council does not represent the majority. A few commenters on a web blog does not represent a majority. You would be suprised by the number of people who agree with the direction the town is going and the vision of council.

Joe Lintner said...

Says the commenter on a web blog.

Anonymous said...

You sir are one of the FEW...

Joe Lintner said...

You've made a few claims that you cannot possibly substantiate. The election will be the deciding factor.