Wednesday, April 3, 2019

UPDATED: Two meetings just added to Borough schedule


Anonymous said...

Why is it when the land bank remodels houses they don't have to go to harb for windows and other things that home owners have to jump threw???? This is wrong to make home owner jump threw hoops if others just do what they want to . Harb is a joke and does NOTHING for the owners , but the borough gets points for something but what??????

Anonymous said...

windows are not part of harb...

Anonymous said...

I recall a contractor, who is doing work with Land Bank properties, going before HARB with brick samples in hand. If the properties are in the historic district, they would have to go before the HARB board.

Anonymous said...

I think you better ask the borough about windows , the brick guy was given 100,000 dollars above the 151,000 the borough all ready had in the property , thats the only one i have scene go to harb, beside harb DOESN'T have all the required people on the board to do anything.