Thursday, June 16, 2016

Historic house was Underground Railroad station

Historic house was UGRR station:


Bob Gainer said...

Speaking of Historic, back to Ave J between the Historic 100 block of South Second Street and Bank Ave.
Friday at 5:20 pm, this Boro Owned Carriage Way was again violated by one of the residents in that area, yes one of the opponents.
Driving a four wheeler, up the Carriage Way, across n the sidewalk and in to the yard. Mmmm Police issue, code issue? It's anyone's guess, but the point remains, CLOSE THIS PIECE OF HISTORY TO ALL VEHICULAR TRAFFIC! Fire Departments stated they did not need to access and LASA may need to but it would not disturb the remnants that remain!
Mr. MURPHY??????

Anonymous said...

Yes,,, Council needs to step up and follow thru. I also attended the meeting where promises were made, and for lack of a better term, it was a fiasco. Mr Gainer left, Mrs Mary Loretto tried to speak but was shut down.
Close the Carriage Way!

Anonymous said...

I think we found a passionate homeowner needed on Boro Council. Bob has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Mr Murphy, the other borough officers, the police department and codes officer has better things to do with their time than deal with your childish tirades and incessant blathering. Why don't you stop harassing the other residents of South Second Street and ignore them as they do you? This site is to inform and engage the residents in the happenings in Columbia I don't believe it was ever intended to be your personal soap box. The articles and pictures are very nicely presented to allow comments related to the actual articles not your own personal vendettas.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear they are going to give the ave j to the owner of 116 and 120 south 2nd st this we have the way to use it. NOW WE HAVE TO PAY THE TAX ON IT.NOW BOB GET OVER IT

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ignore them Bob. Seems you've set an example and a few people are just negatives. I'll vote for you to.

Bob Gainer said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

how dare they shut down those who ovly have the best interest of the entire borough in thier hearts. ignorant council people did that to mr mc ginniss and even =had the audacity to call the police to remove him from a mtg. thats the thanks he got for serving yearsd and years and years. its bs.

Bob Gainer said...

It's why I am so frustrated with the Columbia Police and Boro Council.
Maybe I will try again, this time I won't step down.
Drugs are rampant, False reports to police being given priority, yes CHANGE IS NEEDED!
FIRST IS section eight abusers.

Anonymous said...

EACH slum landlord in this Borough should be given a time allowance, say 6 mts to bring the property up to code. If it's not, shut them down. Period. No more holding hand, or the good ole boy system. Shut em down. ALL tenants MUST move out within 3 days. These rental properties are killing the Borough. And its NO help that they continue on, unkept, trashed, not up to code, propblam tenants who are running TAXPAYING HOMEOWNERS OUT. Really? Since when can Columbia AFFORD to send taxpaying working class homeowners away?

Anonymous said...

Everyone is well aware of "better things to do" BUT nothing is done there either! Take the 100 block of Fourth Street, trash still all over and all the powers that be are aware of this issue for at least a year now. Nothing has changed.

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting when Mr. McGinnis was escorted out by the police. That was not right. But I was also at the meeting when Mrs. Loretto spoke and as I recall they did hear her. Her remarks however were "down played" and blamed on outside influence. Which wasn't very nice because it suggests that she cannot think for herself, and that would be because she did not agree with the majority.

Anonymous said...

Council hand picks their members, so sorry Bob, but I doubt you'll be on that list.

Anonymous said...

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Live by the golden rule and stop calling people names. People are entitled to a sense of peace!! It is their God given and here in the USA their constitutional right!

Anonymous said...

Stop making references to section 8 abusers. You have no idea who needs help and why. In reference to drugs people in glass houses should not throw stones. There is nothing productive about name calling and poverty shaming! Grow up and live in peace. Seek happiness. The world is an ugly place and just smile once in a while and give your fellow man a break!

Anonymous said...

Curious about the last anonymous statement.
Do you follow your own advice?
Which Denomination's God are you referring to?
Seems your attacking someone here, now God Bless everyone including you and yours.

Anonymous said...

You honestly think that was an attack. Out of all the name calling, poverty shaming, pure hate posted on this website you think THAT was an attack. Shaking my head at the ignorance and immaturity with which some view the world. God is Love - regardless of denomination. This world needs more of it. You're entitled to be hateful and mean and ignorant and the rest of us are entitled to be happy and nice and productive. Make the world a better place everyday when you can.

Anonymous said...

And teach your children,,, no matter if they are almost 30!
Seems odd but yes, the younger ghetto generation has to FACE THE FACTS.
Grow up, taxpayers don't owe you a living.

Anonymous said...

put an end to all the transients hoping on the buses in Lancaster and moving right into Columbia. when Lancaster got tough some years ago, this is EXACTLY what happened and still does. they know they can move in here, not pay a dime for a damn thing, trash the apartments they are living in, never pay rent and as a thank you the landlord has to pay hundreds of dollars to get them out PLUS wait 30 days at least to do it. talk about a broken system. all landlords rewrite your leases to better protect yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Landlords Inspect Your properties one a month.
If you rent to family of three, then three it is!
Look under the bed for the boyfriend, behind the shower curtain for his brother selling drugs and ask questions,,, don't just collect and walk away.
If you smell a skunk,, it's Marijuana! Wake up, and this means our Police department also.

Anonymous said...

Agree, the majority of our Police are worth their grain in salt, weed the other ones OUT.

Anonymous said...

No one cares or is passionate enough to battle the ridiculousness.