Sunday, June 26, 2016

Antiques Give Boost to Small Town Columbia



Anonymous said...

Great article. It is amazing how people from outside the area think Columbia is a nice town. Some of our residents are quick to put down, but have they ever visited some of the sites.Probably not. Roll Columbia

Anonymous said...

i think if we the taxpaying homeowners force the school to consolidate and the police can catch some of the punks who constantly are spray painting nasty stuff everywhere and who get pleasure in destroying things, it would help. BUT the cameras MUST be used. Man them 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Some residents continue to stay positive but are being harassed daily by the low life ghetto people in this town.
It's rather hard to stay positive.

Anonymous said...

i agree. i know if i lived beside some of the tenants responsible for creating disturbances, dealing drugs, using their apt as a hang out for 15 people, who areloud, disrespectful, scare the residents who own their hiomes, have lived for most of thier lives is absolute bs. something must be done. i would call the code office and the police EVERY DAY TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT AND DEMAND SOMETHING BE DONE. PERIOD. as taxpaying homeowners who actually works for a living, we MUST demand solutions. like the no child left behind.....NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS. REMOVE THESE PROPBLEM RENTAL PROPERTIES. make them come up to code, that'll take care of a great number of them.

Bob Gainer said...

Good Luck with all suggestions.
I've been at it and will remain at it! Thank God for a Good Out of Town Legal Team.
The only other choice is to move out of this town and rent my owned home,,,

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it's not just tenants that are causing the disturbances; there are homeowners that are just as guilty. If you check the police logs for disturbances you will find that they spend a large amount of time repeatedly in certain areas. And these disturbances are loud, disrespectful, annoy residents and damage personal property. I agree no one should have to live like this. One can only hope that the problems will be taken care of soon.