Monday, March 4, 2019

Watch "Livestream coverage of the Columbia Concerned Citizens Association" on YouTube


Anonymous said...

JUST THE BEGINING , and we found the one council member there, is there any remorse??? Most likely a plant from the hot head.

Anonymous said...

So there a few things I don't understand and have questions about. we are paying a lawyer to argue that the loan program is illegal, right? Did Council's lawyer tell them that the loan program is ok? I mean I guess he did right? I know some other towns have similar programs, I kinda think council might be right. Where does that leave us if they are right? ALso, didn't one of the council members explain at the last meeting that they can't repeal the tax increase because of the law? What's the story with that?

Anonymous said...

Just because other municipalities have not had residents challenge their ordinances, doesn't mean they are legal either. And remember, when the petition was started, council had not adopted a final budget for 2019.

Anonymous said...

A council member was there and the presidents wife.

Anonymous said...

Thats cool i guess but it doesn't really answer my question. If council's lawyer is supposed to advise them and make sure they are doing things by the book, and same goes for the lawyers working for these other towns, then we are assuming that either all of these lawyers are wrong or none of them are doing their jobs. I dont know, but something seems off to me. The lawyer working for us doesn't have to be right. He just needs to say what we pay him to say. IDK, I need to think about this a little more. and i'm not sure when the petition started, I thought the point was to repeal the tax increase. What are we doing about that? Are we pushing for them to repeal? If that's not possible, than I think we need to talk about something else.

Anonymous said...

Council in the past, under the current leadership, has declined to listen to advice from the solicitor. Remember when they voted to disband the Trust? Yeah, against legal advice. I believe the only reason they rescinded that vote at the very next meeting was because the Trust had a probono litigation attorney already in place.
This time, I think the solicitor may have been asleep at the wheel. Or maybe he advised against it OR maybe he stands to gain a lot more money in court fighting a losing battle.
As for the tax situation, if the current tax cannot be repealed, it is imperative that this council majority is replaced with council members who will reduce the tax millage back to 6.4 or less.

Anonymous said...

They can repeal any law they pasted.

Anonymous said...

That's interesting. Are the banks' lawyers sleeping at the wheel too?

Anonymous said...

Actually I don't think they can. I just found this: "During the month of January next following a municipal election, the council of a borough may amend the budget and the levy and tax rate to conform with its amended budget." I think this is what someone else was talking about. Looks like you can only do that in years following an election. that's not this year.

Anonymous said...

What does this have to do with a bank?

Anonymous said...

An immediate repeal of the revolving long fund ordinance along with assurance that the 800k will not be put into that fund would go a long way to start restoring faith in our council. And replacing the Solicitor if he is the one that blessed the revolving loan fund's legality.