Sunday, March 31, 2019

About Town 3/31/19

This week's photos from around Columbia (with a few from elsewhere) . . .
(Click/tap on photos for larger, clearer images.)

Captain America about to go off duty

 Borough workers repaired the bollard that was hit by a car about a week ago at 5th & Chestnut.

Here it is.

 Here's a tractor-trailer going down Walnut Street.
(Now, what was that about that Route 441 bypass...?)

 Seen at the bottom entrance to the high school hill

 What were these tools at Columbia Crossing used for?

An older edition of The Columbia Spy might give a clue.

 More and more missing bricks, courtesy of local vandals

 On the way up the hill

 Instruments of destruction (or construction?) parked around the corner on the 400 block of Avenue H

 The machines are being used to dig trenches to lay these pipes.

 Here are a few more.

 Men at work in the 400 block of Avenue H

Diggin' it

 Young plastic squirrel, who may someday be an adult plastic squirrel

One down, one to go

 This cat looks to be a refugee from the movie Dune and has obviously ingested too much of "the spice."

 Legs cost extra

 A sign of spring

 Open soon on North 4th?

 Signs of life at the 4th Street firehouse?

 Just the right size boxer shorts and gloves

 All tangled up

 Leaning sign

 Here's another one.

 Birds at breakfast

 Chemtrails! The government's trying to kill us all.
(Just kidding, sort of.)

 Open flames

 Just right for lighting your Benson & Hedges 100, which this worker appears to have done. (All right, it might be a pen.)

Flame on! 
Very hot. Do not touch.

 Sometimes a bicycle is just a yard decoration.

 Post-modern paint job

 The Returned Soldier has a greenish bruise along his left eyebrow.

 His sleeve and helmet aren't faring too well either.

 Mossy pylons

 Sentinel seagull

 Install America fans

 Dragonflies lingering on the outside wall

 Out for a walk

 Even more sacks of stone in the yard at Living Stones

 Underneath Columbia Crossing

 A good place to sort of hide things away

Bucket truck with a dressing room in the back?

 Just wow!
Someone needs to call for a dumpster.

 Mostly mayhem

 Catnap at the Columbia Animal Shelter

 Airbnb at 1102 Locust

"Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle"

A worker at 429 Chestnut Street invited Columbia Spy in to see the renovations being done there.

 Workers have been busy for the past five months giving the place a complete makeover. 

 The property will reportedly be on the market in three to four weeks.

 The house features a lot of chestnut wood, appropriately enough on Chestnut Street.

 There are also several stained glass windows.

Interested? Here's the contact info.

Keystone and exterior wall medallion at 431 Chestnut

 In Marietta

 A historical marker at the Marietta section of the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail offers info about the area.

 Chiques Creek flows into the Susquehanna under this bridge.

 This sign indicates that it's thataway.

 Looking roughly southeast

 Another marker along Chiques Creek
(Route 441 can be seen in the upper right.)

Almost sunset


Radical rag said...

Whats going in at the old keystone fire company building on 4th?

Anonymous said...

Where is all that trash at

Joe Lintner said...

2nd & Walnut

Joe Lintner said...

Don't know. There's a vehicle parked inside.

Anonymous said...

Leo Lutz, as Mayor of Columbia don't you think it is your job to walk around TOWN with your Boro Sidekicks and inform these people that this kind of lifestyle will not be TOLERATED in our town. Try to use your POWER and make the people clean up the messes or face a HUGE fine. This is part of your {JOB} try to own up and do it right. OR QUIT, USELESS

Anonymous said...

ridiculously out of control.

Howard Stevens said...

Trails and more Trails, what ever happened to just walking over town, really like we did, walk to the park to play, go to the Market House, go over town, people walk to the car shows, the Craft Shows, really. Maybe we should move Columbia Business shops to the Trails, or the River Park.

Anonymous said...

If we get rid of some people in council and manager maybe it will change. Whatever Lancaster does we do. They are studying parking so now we are also. The younger generation don't care about the historic district either.

Anonymous said...

Why would we have the heaters at the money pit , for the borough to pay for the gas and outsiders to look at them and say i am not sitting out side but they look nice,so one heater might make it possible for 4 or 5 to sit around,more tax payers money for nothing , when is this going to stop or when are we going to get someone inteligent enough to stop this gross over spending ????

Anonymous said...

Lancaster and York have baseball teams are we next?

Anonymous said...

There are people running in the upcoming election that have vowed to put an end to the overspending. People need to make sure they get to the polls in May and November and vote.

Anonymous said...

River park should start making its own money ,just like the fire companies!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes we must get these people elected who are not afraid to buck the system. I'm sure they won't shake their heads yes for everything. One guy on council is good he asks questions and checks things out. Spread the word around for these people wanting to change things.

Anonymous said...

BROVO to them they have my vote.

Anonymous said...

Start with making money to pay for there hammock.Then they can start on a 700 person theater and find parking!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rothsville has polo , then are borough employees can clean up the ---- from the horses , sounds like something the board would consider doesn't it???? Beam me up Scotty , there is no inteligent life on the council here.

Anonymous said...

We still can't use the kitchen there.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone see how this looks to the general public , town borough leaders being sued , over the top spending for out siders, in a poverty town , with a manager with no experence , IT IS THE CIRCUS OF THE LEADERS of a town where a council member doesn't pay his own taxes or liens ? Attention govener Wolf Look at the real Columbia.

Anonymous said...

The manager should live here.

Anonymous said...

Instead of sitting around complaining about all the trash and how it is Codes responsibility all the time, why don't you get off your butt knock on the door of the property with the trash and ask him why the hell they are trashing your Colombia!

Anonymous said...