Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Candidates announced for May primary

Candidates have been announced for the May 21 primary election. Here are Columbia's:

The complete list can be dowloaded HERE.


Anonymous said...

Very exciting to see a list of choices on both tickets for School Board and Council.

Anonymous said...

me too people need not to vote straight party.

Anonymous said...

I agree they need to get out and take people to the polls like they did years ago since there are only 4 reps. and tell them which 2 to vote for. I hope they DON'T do straight party on the Reps. Concerned citizens get busy. The I will pick some on the other party in November.

Anonymous said...

yes. time for change. time for new blood. you all may want to do your homework BEFORE elections and take a class on how things work. i wonder if any of the current councilors did. years ago, they all did. it's a bonus for those running.

Anonymous said...

So who are these people, do they have the entire borough in their best interests or whose pocket are they in. Do any of them have polticial experience . How can you have a school board candidate who didn't send her kids to school or another one with a picture holding a beer and a third who when on council previously had trouble attending meetings and two others with a axes to grind. As for council, there are more issues than the budget and revolving loan fund. You need to show yourself at meetings to determine your interst.