Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Power of the Dark Side - How to Hide Your Browsing History From Your Snooping ISP

Time to turn to the Dark Side?

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives has voted to repeal rules preventing internet service providers from selling customers’ web browsing and app usage data without explicit consent. The Republican-controlled Senate passed the same bill last week, which means the only obstacle that remains is a signature from President Trump, a Republican—and the White House has already signaled he will do so.

Your ISP can already track your online activity, but with the passage of the bill, ISPs will also be able to collect and store your data and sell the information to advertisers and data mining companies, who could use it to build an almost complete profile of you.

Fortunately, you can help keep your private information private by going to the Dark Side - the so-called "Dark Web." Doing so involves using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Tor software, both of which can shield your personal information from prying eyes. More information on these options can be found HEREHERE, and HERE.

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