Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Police raising concerns about "narcan parties" offering drugs and antidote to users


Sharon said...

Society is enabling the drug users. I do not think the overdose victims are charged for the Narcan. They are self inflicting. If I have a heart attack, I'll be charged for every drug used to save me and it's not self inflicted. Society is a mixed up mess.

Anonymous said...

It is no surprise that the dealers would figure a way to use narcan to their advantage. Tougher laws and better controls on narcan are needed.

Anonymous said...

Narcan will become the new sought after drug. They'll be stealing it and selling it on the streets. Wolf approved 10 million for more Narcan. Ten million would go a long way to helping other issues in this state.

Anonymous said...

Well here is how I feel about this subject; if these DRUG HEADS want to use these drugs and overdose on them their family members should be billed for any and all medicines given to them. If they don't pay up front then send the DRUG HEADS home to die. We are not their keepers. Amen

Joe Lintner said...

The law of unintended consequences . . .

Anonymous said...

why should the taxpayers pay to save the lives of drug addicts???? why are they handing out Narcon like its candy? Sorry, these drug users made a choice. yes, society is seriously messed up.

Anonymous said...

So far my understanding is that the overdose victim is not charged for having an illegal drug. If they were apprehended by police minutes before using the drug they would be charged with possession. Yet after using it, overdosing, saved by Narcan, they can and often do simply walk away. No charges and no responsibility.

Anonymous said...

It seems like the state(Gov.Wolf) is more worried about Narcan and opioids than jobs and other health matters. Why should the taxpayers foot the bill for individuals who choose to do drugs?

Anonymous said...

Addiction is being accepted, if not glamorized by society now.

Anonymous said...

I actually find it sickening. It's like the walking dead. Those people don't want to be here, why in the hell are we trying to save them? Meanwhile homeless veterans are left with no help, no hope.

Anonymous said...

It's always been accepted. Lotteries, bars, casinos, cigarettes - addiction is addiction.

Anonymous said...

I do not know of people addicted to cigarettes going out stealing to support their habit. If you are smoking cigarettes it's doubtful that it will impair you to the point that you are wrapped around a telephone pole. Addiction might be addiction as you say, but like it or not Heroin is significantly different from the others. Most people using cigarettes are working full time jobs. Lots of those gambling at casinos and buying lottery tickets are working and also contributing to society in general. Heroin is different and society has accepted its use by young people and now strives to find funding to save the addicts. I'd rather have a child that buys lottery tickets and smokes and has a beer now and then rather than a child using heroin.

Anonymous said...

It's still addiction. Just the economics or stigma of a legal vice versus illegal. Try and justify it all you want - but addiction is still addiction. Look at the healthcare costs associated with alcohol and tobacco, and yes, even the ramifications of the tax on people that don't understand basic statistics.