Sunday, September 20, 2020

About Town 9/20/20

This week's photos of Columbia

(Tap/click each photo to see a larger, sharper image.) 

Faces about town:

Laurel Hill Cemetery . . .

Jesus #1

Jesus #2

Holy Trinity Cemetery . . .

Jesus #3 and father

And mother

Mount Bethel Cemetery . . .

John Houston Mifflin, father of Columbia poet and artist Lloyd Mifflin

Tiny angel

This is apparently a Statue of Hope, which is explained HERE.

Here's the full Statue of Hope at Mount Bethel.
(From a previous post)

The Weeping Angel
(From a previous post)

Locust Street Park . . .

The Returned Soldier
(The backstory of this statue is HERE.)


The neighborhood vagabond

The Columbia Market House project continues.

Bridge (south side)

Bridge (North side)

Another "proper" boat ramp could be installed here at the bottom of Union Street. 

Andy's Market at 4th & Cherry is closing at the end of October, but the Ironville Pike location (shown above) will stay open.

A new sign in town (400 block of Locust)

Another new sign

Hambones bell tower

Gate at Holy Trinity Cemetery


Trees are being removed along Shawnee Run in preparation for an upcoming project.

Some sort of humongous cargo plane

Reflection of York County

The sign was recently placed at Columbia Presbyterian due to loiterers and trespassers.

An Air Force One-looking plane up in the fog

The 800 block of Locust is almost back to normal.

Due to ongoing dumping, this collection box on the 600 block of Poplar has been removed.

Evening meeting

The 441 bypass was constructed to keep big trucks like this out of the center of town.
Looks like they're still coming through.

On Tuesday, a short stretch of Front Street was closed due to pieces of the bridge falling off.
(Note the debris on the far right in the second photo.)

This sign still appears at River Park . . .

but so does this one.

A live spotted lanternfly

And a dead one.

Traps like this one are being used in the hope of reducing the infestation.

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