Thursday, September 17, 2020

Bail modification hearings underway for Lancaster protesters arrested following Sunday police shooting

Thursday morning, Taylor Enterline and Kathryn Patterson had their bail modified to $50,000, placed under "geographical restrictions." Enterline and Patterson can not be within one block of the Lancaster City police station per the restrictions.

- Jamal Shariff Newman - $1 million

- Barry Jones - $1 million

- Frank Gaston – probation detainer

- Yoshua Dwayne Montague - $1 million

- Matthew Modderman - $1 million 

- Talia Gessner - $1 million

- Kathryn Patterson - $1 million

- Taylor Enterline - $1 million

- T-Jay Fry - $1 million

- Dylan Davis - $1 million

- Alexa Wise - $100,000

- Jessica Marie Lopez - $250,000

- Juvenile Male – Unknown (juvenile court)

- Timothy Garcia - $100,000

- Seth Gardner - $100,000

- Pedro Velasquez - $50,000 combined bail from two dockets


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