Saturday, September 12, 2020

Dozens turn out for Saturday's "Back the Blue" March

Over 60 people turned out for Columbia's "Back the Blue" march on Saturday afternoon to show support for local police. Starting at 2 p.m., the group - carrying flags and signs - marched from Rotary Park to the Columbia Borough Police station via Chestnut, Fifth, and Locust Streets. Upon arriving at the destination, about a dozen more people - police officers, residents, and bikers - joined the group. The 40-minute event included speeches by Mayor Leo Lutz, Council President Heather Zink and others. Resident Angie Brock Floyd organized the event.

(Tap/click on each photo to see a larger, clearer image.)


Unknown said...

They just dont beat and kill the black people. Every human is at risk from the big ego little dick
Cowardly police!!!


They say we support the "blue" until they kill one of you or family/friends for no reason. Just to let you know my stance. Cops are human with a badge and a weapon that will kill anyone they don't like for whatever reason, and try to justify it just like any other criminal. I can't understand why you guys back the "blue" but don't support "BLM". Why do armed white people get to live when they are confronted by cops but black people get to die unarmed. Forget about people's background and what the cops were called for. What makes it right to kill someone because of their skin color. I do not support the "blue". I support the people that make justified arrest and don't do unjust killing.

Bonzo said...

Who's the first people you will xall if someone threatens your life.

Unknown said...


Amb said...

Last I checked, we're required to wear masks and socially distance. Very few are wearing their masks, no one is socially distancing. Cops should be doing their jobs and fining people.

Unknown said...

Not one black person, looks like racist fest 2020

Chw said...

I love the diversity of the rioters. There were young people old people men and woman and even canines. Very much representative of the boro as a whole. No group not represented.

Radical rag said...

First of all more whites are killed by police then any race, use your phone and google that.. then if you blm are against the blue, how is it that you all are still using the police for emergencies?? Also if the police were not between you all at protest what could possibly happen?? And alot of these police shootings dont involve just white cops, there have been african american , and hispanic police involved also, blm have become rioters not protestors, please google some of these facts, you sound pretty ignorant on jyst ranting, and you sound racist!!