Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Mount Joy Borough Council fires Samuel Sulkosky as borough manager - (Sulkosky is a former Columbia Borough manager)

When: Mount Joy Borough Council virtual meeting, Sept. 14.

What happened: Council terminated Samuel Sulkosky as borough manager and appointed Charles "Casey" Krause as interim manager, secretary and open records officer — positions formerly held by Sulkosky.

Council statement: No explanation was given for this action. When queried by email after the meeting, Council President William Hall replied, "On Monday, Sept. 14, 2020, Mount Joy Borough Council voted to terminate the employment of Samuel F. Sulkosky as Borough Manager effective immediately and authorize the appropriate Borough officials to make legally required payments to Mr. Sulkosky for unused vacation time and other required items. Because this is a personnel issue, Mount Joy Borough will have no further statements on this matter."

Interim manager background: A resident of Mount Joy Borough and a graduate of Donegal High School, Krause is well known in the Mount Joy region where he served for 36 years in various municipal posts. He was a police officer in both Mount Joy Borough and Mount Joy Township, chief of both Mount Joy Township and the Northwest Regional police departments, and Mount Joy Township manager before retiring in 2016. Council decided to compensate Krause at $1,565 per week, the same level as Sulkosky. Council member Brian Youngerman thanked Sulkosky, who was not present, for his four years of service as borough manager citing several achievements such as his funds investment program. Prior to coming to Mount Joy, Sulkosky held positions as borough manager in Columbia, California and Nanty Glo boroughs.


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