Sunday, January 19, 2020

About Town 1/19/20

This week's photos of Columbia

This snowman is about the only one you would have seen last week.
The predicted 4-8 inch snow never materialized.

Anyway, what's that white powder on 7th Street?

Porch pirate bait on Locust

Here's a sub-sub-compact (?)

Doesn't take up too much parking space. If every resident had one of these, our town's fictional parking problem would be solved in no time.

Might not be too good for hauling furniture, though.

Tight squeeze

Signs of progress at Hotel Locust - a new sliding gate out back

Down on Bridge Street

Might want to keep these handy. Winter's not over yet.

Tie a yellow ribbon, yes, but maybe something bigger and more respectable.

This will never work.

Meanwhile, downtown:
JULY 8, 2019 TO
FEBRUARY 28 [?], 2020

There's another one.

Crane's back.
Down at 401-403 Locust

It was scheduled for Thursday, but due to high winds was postponed until Friday.

Nope, no 4-8 inches, just a light dusting

New office building at the self-storage on North 2nd. We hear the ugly trailer's gonna go.

Out at 4th & Manor

Also there: a great bargain

PennDOT on the job, ready to plow the nearly non-existent snow

Just one from Hellam

The twin towers at Turkey Hill
Trump says windmills cause cancer, so don't get too close.

Route 441 up towards Chickies, as seen from downriver

St. Peter Apartments vs Trinity House

Columbia High School

On the bridge, the road's nice and clear.

But who's responsible for clearing the sidewalk?
Looks like you're spit out of luck, if you're a pedestrian.

Who knew that someone makes these things - almost like putting several bottomless trash cans together.

Lone gull braving the wind

New sign at the entrance to Locust Street Park at South 6th & Locust

And another one - along Route 462

 Sorry, S.A. Comunale, you'll have to park elsewhere. Your space expired on December 31, 2019.

 You're still good, H.B. McClure, but five months seems a bit extreme.

 SECCO gets to park in front of the Presbyterian church.
On Sunday afternoon, Columbia Spy counted seven NO PARKING signs attached to meters. That's 14 meters not collecting revenue for several months near 4th & Locust and on the 200 block of Locust. Not to mention the freebie for Hickernell's secretary on the 200 block of Locust.

Out at CMX - an army of dumpsters

 How rusty does a sign need to get before it's considered invalid?

 Out at the Linden Street Turkey Hill Store -
Next snowstorm, get your bread and beer.
Things might work out better that way anyway.

There are even signs at the gas pumps, so...
Fill 'er up!

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