Thursday, January 16, 2020

Columbia installs West Earl's former borough manager as interim

Candie L. Johnson at Tuesday's Columbia Borough Council meeting

Candie L. Johnson, who formerly served as township manager for West Earl Township, will serve as interim borough manager while it searches for a permanent replacement for former Manager Rebecca S. Denlinger. Johnson, who resigned her position in West Earl in September due to what she says was a "difference of personalities" with supervisors, will be paid $40 per hour while serving as Columbia's interim manager.

"I promise to the Borough Council and the residents of Columbia to be a good captain, to manage the ship and do the best I can for you at this point," Johnson said in brief remarks during the meeting.

The borough also is searching for a new planning and zoning manager to replace Jeff Helms, who retired at the end of last year. No hiring timetable has been set by council.


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