Saturday, January 11, 2020

Company acquires former Hotel Locust/Hotel Columbia buildings and former jewelry store for redevelopment project

The company, 315 Locust Street LLC, has acquired the historical buildings of 307, 309 and 315 Locust Street in Columbia, PA. Mr. Paul Guillaro, one of the members of the group, is a well respected developer in New York with over forty years experience. He was looking for a partner in a growing area like Columbia when he reached out to local real estate developer, Don Murphy. Together they will be working with a local architectural firm to create a mixed use commercial complex with market-rate living. The group has been working diligently to put together a great project for this site.

“These vacant buildings have been a real example of blight in the downtown. Our love for Columbia is well known, and this is an amazing opportunity to bring these significant buildings back to life by making the architecture sustainable, dynamic, and relevant for future uses” says Mr. Murphy. “Don has experience and a proven track record with a number of successful projects in this community, restoring some well-known historical buildings. It was important to have Don on board to make this another successful project in Columbia’s revitalization.”

Assisting in the transaction was Janice Nikoloff, Executive Director of the Columbia Economic Development Corporation, who owned the two former hotels at 309 - 315 Locust Street and Justin Eby of the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority.
[Source: Press release]

1 comment:

Joe Lintner said...

Comment received:

"Today must be April first. No other way this makes sense."

/2 al Dodson