Monday, February 11, 2019

Agenda - Columbia Borough Council Meeting, February 12, 2019

The complete 69-page council packet can be downloaded HERE.


Anonymous said...

This is also the 6pm meeting time where Rebecca is talking about plans for the community or explaining her job is this correct?

Anonymous said...

Who is the admin for another view from Columbia? I have an issue reading or supporting someone not being transparent.

Anonymous said...

7 pm

Anonymous said...

Nate Bunty, Murphy's insurance agent

Anonymous said...

Nate is the computer guy for Rebecca too. He's setting all this face book stuff up. He better watch is actions since he is an ins agent too. He gave us a nice dance at the one meeting.

Unknown said...

I am not setting anything up for them - I gave them some advice on equipment and technology to improve transparency. I do not work for the borough or act in any sort of formal advisory role. Just a concerned citizen like all of you.

Anonymous said...

How can they say you have an issue with a page - not knowing who the admin is then turn around and post anonymously. What’s your logic?

Anonymous said...

What is Columbia Spy....Sensationalism is a type of editorial bias in mass media in which events and topics in news stories and pieces are overhyped to present biased impressions on events, which may cause a manipulation to the truth of a story. Sensationalism may have reporting about generally insignificant matters and events that do not influence overall society and biased presentations of newsworthy topics in a trivial or tabloid manner contrary to the standards of professional journalism.
For the philosophical doctrine of the theory of knowledge, see Sensualism.
Some tactics include being deliberately obtuse, appealing to emotions, being controversial, intentionally omitting facts and information, being loud and self-centered, and acting to obtain attention. Trivial information and events are sometimes misrepresented and exaggerated as important or significant and often include stories about the actions of individuals and small groups of people, the content of which is often insignificant and irrelevant relative to the macro-level day-to-day events that occur globally. Furthermore, the content and subject matter typically affect neither the lives of the masses nor society and instead is broadcast and printed to attract viewers and readers.

Sharon Lintner said...

"Loud, and obtaining attention" sounds like what someone did to me at the meeting at the DAC building when a man in the back yelled loudly in a rude attempt to gain attention to himself while I had the podium to speak. Did you think this up yourself or plagiarize?

/2 said...

Anonymous 9:46 needs to cite their source.

/2 - al dodson

Unknown said...

Gee, Anonymous ... one might think if you're going to lift stuff from other sites you might have common decency to attribute what you're lifting.

It's dastardly to lead people to think you wrote this all by yourself, when in fact it comes from WikiPedia.

Do exhibit "pride of authorship" should you sometime write something you create.

Brian Long

Anonymous said...

I think that's exactly what that person is trying to do get attention. Columbia Spy and News and Reviews are very good keeping us informed since we have no newspaper. Perhaps that person would like to do a newspaper and keep us up on what's going on. You guys keep up the good work and ignore what people say. Most of us appreciate you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cole, good work! You have them upset. Keep printing the real news not the fluff. Did you see that group of coffee drinkers hiding in the back corner last night? How about when that phone fell? Boro can't even get that right!

Sharon Lintner said...

You must be mesmerized by the Spy or you would not be taking time to write long comments about it. Solution is simple, don't read it.

Anonymous said...

WOW the solicitor for the borough must have written that , on the tax payers dime , and it is bullshit!!!

Anonymous said...

The spy is the best.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice , the mayor parked illeagely for the council meeting , 20 feet from the side walk is the law , he was not 20 feet , I guess he thought it was a emergency to be at the meeting and parked like a fireman to get inside.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Sharon don't take their criticism You guys are doing a wonderful job. Keep up the good work. And you should run for council. I know it wouldn't be a puppet show. Heather is another good one.

HeatherZ said...

I find it ironic that Nate shared a post using the term "Lum Lum" to illustrate current real estate conditions. The Lum, or Slum, or Scumbia, are all nicknames for Columbia with very negative connotations. I love the town I live in and cringe every time I read Lum. I would never use a post that used that term in reference to our town, especially one where I was trying to indicate a positive change. Nate will criticize others for posting Anon while himself posting as Unknown. He will critisize others for being negative while perpetuating negative town stereotypes by sharing someone else's post. I taake pride in where I live and what I wrote.

Sharon Lintner said...

My motto is: When they go low, I hit harder. Love, affection, and fluff will not reverse the damage being done to the borough taxpayers.

Unknown said...

I did not suggest that mount... : )

Anonymous said...

I asked The Spy a question I knew they would answer and it turned into a "WOW" moment I was not expecting. When reading from sources I expect a name as there are too many out there with tainted information. If you Nate, cannot put your name on a social media page you created, I have to wonder why? Is the information biased, one-sided, to only benefit certain others. Perhaps because you are an agency principal/owner. If you're as proud as you say of Columbia show your name for all to see. I'm not opposing your website just feel if you want people to read the good things then be transparent. That is something council is not and we Columbians deserve honesty. We would not be a town divided if the honest truth was presented and not others agendas. When I read information I have a right to know where it's coming from. It's called journalism. I also read more than one view before forming an opinion.

Anonymous said...

This is Nate - I posted below about how I am not really and advisor to the borough, and didn't select anonymous, it says unknown, but had my email address. I dunno how to use blogger...I use wordpress, also I don't comment on blogs too much anymore. Well, ever really, mostly on Facebook.

Anyway - I think there are people who use the Lum Lum slang with affection, just the same way some people own the River Rat as a badge of honor. That is not really my style, and I did not do that, but the post was from a Realtor promoting a property so I am erring on the side of affection not disdain.

The post I shared was about a home in Columbia going under agreement in less than a day. So much for the taxes scaring people away from the borough.

HeatherZ said...

There are people that use "my bitch" as a term of endearment for their significant other. It doesn't mean most would not cringe when they read it. I get where you were going wit the post but the realtor's choice in nickname should have given pause before sharing.

Anonymous said...

Says he or she with no name.

Anonymous said...

Me too! Thanks Joe and Sharon!

Anonymous said...

Only supporters of council are their spouses and coffee club friends.

Anonymous said...

It IS biased, I think I have mentioned this on the page itself - it is biased toward optimism and promoting the good things in Columbia as a direct response to the negative views that seem to get the most "press". I also tend to post corrections to the misinformation I see elsewhere.

I am not the only person with access to publish on the page. A page is not a profile. I do not post everything on there. I am not the only optimist in Columbia.

I am not a journalist - it is not, nor does it pretend to be a news site because it is expressly NOT OBJECTIVE.

Anonymous said...

The Realtor in question has a particular style, and it is bold. I would say that is not my style, but I appreciate him being true to himself and apparently cultivating a successful career with it.

Your focus on this one aspect of that post is an indication of the problem I see with many people that comment on these issues in town.
You're missing the forest for the trees, and seem to be unwilling to concede the talking point that taxes will scare people away from buying homes here (proven false by the speed with which that home sold, and others as evidenced in the comments of the post)

HeatherZ said...

At no time did say that the taxes were scaring people away. In fact I do know the real estate market here is hopping.
And I did say I could see where you were going with the post. Just remember, the ends do not always justify the means.
You seem to paint anyone that disagrees with revolving loan fund creation with the same negative brush. You are doing a disservice to many residents that are able to look at things objectively. It is possible to see the forest AND the trees.

Anonymous said...

I won't say the taxes scare people away, but anyone with common sense would certainly have to consider the high taxes in their decision to buy here. Real estate may be hopping, but that also means people are selling, it's not new construction.