Wednesday, July 18, 2018

SUSPICIOUS PERSON - COLUMBIA RIVER PARK | Columbia Borough Police Department

On numerous occasions a green SUV with an elderly male wearing a white baseball hat has been seen parked in the grass near the kayak business at River Park.  Anyone with information regarding this person/vehicle please contact the Columbia Borough Police Department at 717-684-7735 or text LANCS to 847411.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

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Anonymous said...

Apparently our camera system DON'T Work , can't help with all these crimes at the money pit , whats is going to happen if these people push it threw and expand the pit , it is going to make Columbia more laughable than it is now. A management company doesn't seem to do much either, way don't Columbia hire its own people for these jobs, at least they might be able to catch some of these people who destroy things there.

Anonymous said...

yes it's truly a shame, a sin, a travesty that ALL these cameras don't perform.

Anonymous said...

HALF Are blocked by trees , but our maintaince people are to tied up at the money pit to do anything about it.