Thursday, July 12, 2018

1979 COLUMBIA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 556 - NO PARKING IN EXCESS OF 48 HOURS | Columbia Borough Police Department


In response to confusion regarding a Crimewatch posting issued on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 regarding vehicles parked in excess of 48 hours in Columbia Borough.  The Ordinance pertaining to this issue has been in effect since JULY OF 1979.

On 7/9/1979 Ordinance No. 556 (Section 207-16) was passed in the Borough of Columbia prohibiting vehicles from remaining parked for more than 48 hours on Borough streets.  While this ordinance has been in place for many years the Columbia Borough Police recently started cracking down on those in violation of this ordinance in response to numerous complaints from residents.  Ordinance No. 556 (Section 207-16) reads as follows:

Continuous Parking Restricted; Repairs

A No vehicle, including boat trailers, camp trailers and any like devices, shall be allowed to remain parked on any Borough highway or street for a period longer than 48 consecutive hours. Moreover, when such a vehicle is moved, it shall be moved no less a distance than twice its own length.

B Except for emergency repairs which are necessitated to prevent the obstruction of traffic or such minor repairs as tire changes and the like, it shall be unlawful to repair any vehicle on any Borough highway or street.

Failure to move vehicles parked for 48 or more may lead to multiple parking tickets and may eventually be towed with additional consequences.

Note:  This Ordinance does not pertain to registered and inspected vehicles parked on private property.

For additional information regarding parking in Columbia Borough go to:


Anonymous said...

In accordance with the Pennsylvania vehicle code the only way this ordinance can be enforced is if signs are posted much like the street sweeping signs.

Anonymous said...

LOOK FOR SIGNS it is only tax money.

Anonymous said...

every family owned taxpaying property owner (NOT RENTALS-they should have ALL OFF ST PARKING) SHOULD HAVE 1 PARKING SPACE DESIGNATED TO SAID PROPERTY. All these people for 2,3,4,5 and more cars are the ones who SHOULD be forced to put off st parking in, build a garage, stop collecting vehicles and parking them at all your neighbors properties.