Friday, July 13, 2018

Columbia Borough Public Works Department Report - June 2018

Here's what the Columbia Borough Public Works Department has been up to lately. Projects include paving, grading, lighting, and signage.


Anonymous said...

Work at the money pit is why there is weeds in the gutters around town are almost 2 feet high , Quick ticket themselves, why does the borough do all the work at the money pit when we are paying s/h 115,000 dollars to manage it, and what do they do for the money, same with the trolley?

Howard Stevens said...

I am Glad to see some things being done that are really needed, in all fairness Our Public Alley, Avenue D between 4th and 5th was paved partly by tax payers own money and we have to pay or remove snow our self which means us in the middle have only one way in because neighbors close one or both ends. Some of these people claim to own it now. It's this way because one neighbor was on council many years ago and made sure the borough never opened it. One fight after another.

Anonymous said...

thank you Public Works manager!!!!! there are some of us that DO appreciate ALL that yous do! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

take away the money pit work and they have time to clean up weeds in town.

Anonymous said...

Over half of this work is outside companies but it makes the report look better.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU FOR THE FENCE! how much to repair it????????

Anonymous said...

no, thank you for ALL the hard work you and your dept does to TRY to keep Columbia looking great. We know it's a constant struggle, mainly because we have SO many naysayers who have NO IDEA on the amount of improvements, upkeep, daily work you all perform. For the few workers you have, the amount of work you all do is remarkable. Hire a few more workers!!!! and thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hire more workers and get rid of some code enforcers they are a waste of our money. Heritage Dr is better than any street in town. How many people drive on that one?

Unknown said...

There is a huge pot hole on Fairview ave they seem like they don't want to fix it

Unknown said...

They pave what does not need and let the ones go that need it like s 9th st from Franklin to manor what a waste of money