Thursday, May 24, 2018

Are debris and standing water creating a problem on the 400 block of N. 3rd?

A reader submitted the first three photographs below showing debris on Colonial Metals property and standing water on the roof of the building on the 400 block of N. 3rd Street.  The reader states that the debris is left over from roof damage last year and believes the standing water is a violation of Code Chapter 220-33 A.1, which reads:

§ 220-33Nuisances and hazards to public safety.
A. No land owner, tenant nor lessee shall use or allow to be used any land or structures in a way that results or threatens to result in any of the following conditions:
Transmission of communicable disease, including conditions that may encourage the breeding of insects or rodents.

Columbia Spy took the last photo below, showing a clogged roof drain. Clearing the clog would most likely resolve the issue of standing water. The reader said he is going to contact the borough about the issue, as he did last July.

 Debris on the Maple Street side of the property

 Standing water on the roof, near the corner of 3rd and Maple

The view from Maple Street

This roof drain is clogged and is preventing water from escaping.


Anonymous said...

Colonial Metals could care less about this community and codes doesn't enforce ordinances on them. Look at all of their dumpy rentals across from Burger King.

Anonymous said...

Y say something now about it? Its been like that for years

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time to pressure codes to enforce.

Anonymous said...

Maybe because a mosquito bite now may have West Nile disease and it is not just an itchy bite. No reason why their roof drains don't drain.

Anonymous said...

Good luck they won't do any thing about 371 kinderhook road next to the mayors house.