Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Volunteers needed! Roll Up Your Sleeves… Get Dirty… Have Fun!

With 50 1st through 6th graders enrolled, Columbia’s Edible Classroom Summer Gardening Camp is filled to capacity! We are looking for adult volunteers to support camp staff and to help make this a great experience for our young campers. The camp will run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30 AM till Noon at Park School playground starting on Monday, June 4th through Friday, August 10th. Three (3) volunteers are needed for each camp day. Volunteers – including parents of campers – are encouraged to sign up for as many days as they can help us “dig in” with the kids!

Please respond by June 1, 2108 to

IMPORTANT: Volunteers need to have DHS and FBI clearances. This is easily done at or by calling (844) 321-2101. Simply complete the application and make an appointment with IdentoGO at 1532 Lititz Pike in Lancaster. The Borough will reimburse you the $20 fee (with a valid receipt).

Columbia’s Edible Classroom Summer Gardening Camp is a collaboration of Columbia Borough, Columbia Borough School District, CHI and other generous supporters.


Anonymous said...

Pam started this and now she wants volunteers to take over. The boro will pay their $20 for a certification. Sounds good if you can get the volunteers. I thought Pam was doing this.

Anonymous said...

Another "cart before the horse" dilemma. Seems the volunteers should have been obtained first seeing they must go through the clearances. My guess is the person who started the program was not aware that these volunteers require clearances.