Sunday, January 21, 2018

About Town - January 21, 2018

Recent pics about town...

Junior firefighter

Dog attack!
The woman shown was walking her two dogs on the high school hill (Sunday, January 21) when the black dog on the right attacked from a nearby yard. The woman picked up her dogs, one under each arm, until the attacker's owner responded about ten seconds later and got the dog under control. The woman's dogs were each on a leash. The attacking dog obviously was not.

 Dopey Superman?

 Cheap (but expensive) fence at the bottom of Locust

 Spotlight on the river

 Renovations at Hinkle's

That's one way to beautify an ugly meter.

 Disappearing bridge

 Columbia Crossing in the fog

 Bridge in the fog

 Tracks in the fog


 Someone's dock was swept away by the recent river ice.

 Reflection at River Park

 Tracks at River Park


 Tracks from above

 This seagull seems thankful for the melting river ice; he can finally get a drink again.

 Communing with the gulls

 Ice dance...if the spirit moves ya...

 Ice dance...even birds do it.

 Icon on Cherry Street

 What does it mean?

 Avenue G - Some things never change.


 Canada geese - Looks like it's that time again.

 The windows have arrived at 301 Locust.

 Here's another one.

 Installed by Brown's

Mike Nikolaus installs lighting at the Locust Street Park storage shed.

 The lights will illuminate Joanna Spicer's mural on the side...

 ...and on the front.

 And here's what it looks like at night.

 And from the front.

And both sides at once.

 Progress at the Columbia Library

 Sunset at Locust Street Park

 Night lights at Columbia River Park


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures Cole! Did you happen to see the Pontoon boat parked in the lot at the bottom of lucust street today?

Joe Lintner said...

Yes, it's been there a few days. Free boat storage?

Anonymous said...

The young lady in the photo "communing with gulls" did exactly what borough officials want...She and a male companion went from River Park uptown to eat. Afterwards the couple were embarrassed in front of other patrons due to a misunderstanding. They left their money on the counter instead of taking it to the register. After being reprimanded, they left without the smiles they were wearing earlier. Doubt we'll be seeing them back anytime soon. Way to welcome!

Anonymous said...

The Fritz family has dedicated so much time and energy to Columbia Borough over the years. We are all fortunate to have good people like this that are willing to volunteer. Thanks from the residents!

Anonymous said...

Avenue G could be cleaned up with a skid loader and some shovels ( that the borough owns) and after that one time clean up start laying responsibility on either turkey hill, or place a camera back there, reason i say turkey hill is how often are there dumpster lids open? And there trash cans changed out? Alittle bit of wind pushes trash pretty far.

Wil Torbert said...

Those volunteers aren't all good people.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll save our storage fees next winter and use the same parking lot at the end of Locust Street for our boat. This is awesome! Thanks Columbia Borough!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh.. so edgy.