Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Parks & Rec seeks advisory board members

The Borough of Columbia’s new Parks and Recreation Committee is seeking residents to serve on its Advisory Board. Members will serve three year terms and will be appointed by Borough Council. The purpose of the Advisory Board is to assist the Committee in identifying opportunities for recreational activities in the Borough and to make recommendations for improvements to our parks. Advisory Board members should commit to attending Committee meetings on the second Thursday of each month and be invested in providing safe parks and healthy and fun recreation for our residents. Please send a letter of interest to Greg Sahd, Borough Manager (“. Please respond before February 7, 2018 at 4:00 PM.

Borough Offices: 308 Locust Street, Columbia PA 17512 | Phone: 717-684-2467


Chris Vera said...

Do you have to be a Columbia citizen to be on Parks and Rec? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

"is seeking residents"

Anonymous said...

Apparently, you do not have to be a resident to run the borough or be the public works director, but I'm afraid to handle parks and rec you really need to be! After all that's a volunteer position.

Maltese Command said...

Or a police officer or public school teacher or assistant borough manager, either.

Anonymous said...

What does it matter if a good employee is a resident ? That's old school thinking.

Anonymous said...

Old school thinking? They are not paying taxes to OUR borough and we are giving them OUR money. Apparently someone thinks they know that not one person in Columbia is qualified to even apply for certain positions because they are given to outsiders without any other applicants considered.

Anonymous said...

The job for a new borough manager wasn't posted, it was given to a specific person. No one else could apply or be considered. What happened to posting a job opening and interviewing applicants? Seems sneaky and underhanded.