Tuesday, January 30, 2018

How much can school property taxes increase in your area in 2018-19?


Anonymous said...

We already pay the second highest taxes in the county how much more do you think we can afford no wonder people put there homes up for sale who can afford to live here and the school district is not in good shape need to fix this mess the sooner the better

Anonymous said...

In protest everybody in Columbia needs to put their house house up for sale. (You don't actually have to sell.) Who would want to move into a town where everybody was selling? Housing prices will collapse. Only after the tax base is gone and the School District has bled the residents dry, will it get fixed. [ No, I am not blaming the SD for the problem]

Anonymous said...

I wonder why anybody would buy a house in Columbia. With escalating property tax burden in Cola most houses in 10-15 years will appraise at or below what it was purchased for. Purchase a house in a better or more stable growing School district and you will be able to sell 10-15 years later with a larger appreciated value. It becomes an very positive investment. By buying a house in Columbia you are loosing out on the purchasing power of your money. There are a few houses in Columbia that might keep up value to the annual inflation rate but why take the chance.

Anonymous said...

Our school taxes are the highest in the county. Overall taxes are second to Lancaster. But they have paid fire Dept. Can you imagine what our taxes would be if we had to pay for fire protection.