Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday Afternoon at River Park: Girls, Gulls, and Lots of Ice

No explanation needed. The pictures tell the tale:


Anonymous said...

sorry but the not so smart parents should be fined for allowing their children ON THE ICE. plain stupidity. someone will drown before anyone gets smart. ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

The kids on the ice were on land that was covered with ice. Falling through that isn't going to kill anyone. They were just having a bit of fun.

Anonymous said...

Point is people are crossing the barricades the barricades are up for a reason. It's a shame people have to be protected from their own stupidity you can easily slip on the ice and get sucked under whether it's an inch or two of water or two feet of water and hypothermia will set in within minutes.

Bruce said...

The barricade is for cars. There are dozens of people strolling along the river front enjoying the day, not breaking any laws.The ice they're playing on is on the lawn where it flooded a few days ago. Lighten up snowflake

Anonymous said...

The barricades have police tape across that states do not cross. That means DO NOT go beyond the barricades. I watched a number of people keep walking out beyond the dry areas even after police told them to get back. Maybe the police should start issuing tickets to people that constantly defy the posted barricades. It is a safety issue whether you chose to see that or not. Maybe the barricades could have been moved but still people would venture out further.