Monday, May 22, 2017

Columbia Life Network offers info session on landlord/tenants rights this Thursday

The Columbia Life Network will offer a class/info session on landlord/tenants rights this coming Thursday 4:30-6:30 p.m. at 336 Locust Street, Columbia.


Anonymous said...

the landlords need to step up and SHARE info on trouble, problem tenants. STOP the cycle. Don't keep renting to these tenants. You'll save yourselves money, headache and hard work!

Anonymous said...

i agree!!! i wonder how many showed up???? IF the landlords would get together and share VITAL info, they could avoid renting to problem tenants who trash, destroy, don't pay and don't care about their properties. Wise up. And MORE THAN 800 RENTAL PROPERTIES IN A BOROUGH THIS SIZE IS LUDACRIS. BORO COUNCIL-YOUR CHALLENGE IS TO GET RID OF AT LEAST 500 RENTAL PROPERTIES. THIS IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM IN THE BORO.

Anonymous said...

i agree. there are way too many rental properties in the Boro. Create a program, an incentive to sell half of these rental properties and turn them back into single family owned homes. these rental properties are costing the Boro hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly if not more. AND giving us a black eye. we get these transients from out of town who come here and cause trouble and then the news reports theya re from COLUMBIA. NO they are not, they were not born and raised here. this should be a priority. they cost hundreds of thousands of $$$$$$$ for the Police Dept too...responding to more domestic calls than ANYWHERE in ALL of Lancaster COunty.